Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Role Of Body Image And Social Media Essay - 1352 Words

Social media is often viewed as ‘friendlier’ than mass media and more ‘real.’ Posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr are made by ‘real’ people. While many women have learned to recognize the inaccurate portrayals of the female body in mass media, fewer have made this connection with social media. An Instagram post can be edited, retouched, angled, and filtered to make the individual in the photo look drastically different from the way they appear in person, just as models are altered in mass media advertisements. The literature I have consulted addresses the relationship between body image and social media use but does not factor in dietary choices. This gap in knowledge is connected to the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods predominantly used to deal with this problem. Researchers use content analyses to describe existing evidence. In this field of study, this method is useful for analyzing social media posts and content posted on the web. It does not, however, address why these patterns may exist and why this is important. Researchers use ethnographies (or netnographies) to study people. Ethnographies rely on rich description of the individual(s) being studied. This research method, however, may result in the exclusion of important information. De la Pena and Quintanilla (2015) may have failed to take note of relevant information because they did not feel it was important to the research question. This, in turn, may have produced incomplete researchShow MoreRelatedThe Study Of Body Image1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe study of body image is a broad topic that touches many subjects including gender. However, the s tudy of body image has been focused mainly on females. This is because the physical shape and image of male bodies have not changed over the history. From the ancient Greek until the modern era, the masculinity is the predominant stereotype for men. Masculine traits include courage, independence and assertiveness (Judith, 2001; Murray, 2000). In contrast to the male body, the female figures have beenRead MoreLiterature Review : Body Image1173 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Review: Body Image â€Å"Act 2: Extending Theory on Social Media and Body Concerns† shows the pattern and connection between social media and body image. People that are already affected by vulnerable factors, such as low self-esteem, depression, perfectionism and the thought that appearance is essential to self-worth, seek the gratifications that come from using social media. For example, if someone is feeling unattractive, but a picture they posted online is getting liked and commented onRead MoreThe Impact Of Mass Media On Body Image1255 Words   |  6 Pagesother health related images and videos on social media, online magazines/blogs, and mass media in general. Mass media has caused an enormous amount of controversy within the last few years concerning body image and what is politically correct. However, mass media’s impact on health can be beneficial if it is used the correct way. The social media aspect of mass media has become something that is involved in most people’s ev eryday lives; and it’s not going away anytime soon. Mass media posts need to beRead MoreHow Does The Media Affect Male Body Image?874 Words   |  4 PagesExploratory Analysis: How Does The Media Effect Male Body Image? Today in modern society, we are driven by social forces. Not only do we strive for human approval and companionship, we also thrive on social media. The media plays such a pivotal role in what we buy, eat, wear, etc. that we are conditioning ourselves to fit the mold for the â€Å"perfect† or â€Å"ideal† body type. This social construct has been a pressing issue for many years regarding the female physique, but not as much has been said onRead MoreThe Evolution of a Womans Body Image1282 Words   |  5 PagesThe Evolution of a Woman’s Body Image A womans body is always in the spotlight and expected to look presentable no matter what. Body image is a fight that women have been battling virtually since the 1700s. That is approximately 300 years that the ideal body has been altered in accordance to what society deems as â€Å"beautiful†. It is difficult to predict something that has transformed many times throughout the years, yet in the 1990s and early 2000s, if models became any skinnier, they would notRead MoreStudies of Social Media and its Effects on Adolescent’s Body Image 1166 Words   |  5 Pagesthe years, technology has evolved into something people cannot live without. Mixed in with all of the improvements, social media has become a major asset in the lives of people. Social media can include websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but can also include video games and magazines. However, social media is not always genuine. In the mindset of adolescents, these medias help to create unrealistic id eas of who they are and who they should be. As if going through puberty isn’t difficultRead MoreSocial And Social Impact On Social Media1167 Words   |  5 PagesThis study suggests that social comparison orientation (SCO) produces negative outcomes is associated with social media use. They believe that people high in SCO are very aware of people around them and thus are more drawn to social media because the expansive networks allow individuals to connect to a wide variety of others, and we can learn a large amount about these people from their profiles. Also, social networking sites allow for upward social comparison, or the comparison of yourself withRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Body Image1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthe concept of body image is influenced by external factors as culture, society norms, especially with the development of modern social media, it has grown up to be an important element in affecting the perception of body image to shape the body image. The influence of mass media may be related to the social comparison process of appearance in female and male. The ideal media body image, it is easy to compare in everyday life, and that will result to dissatisfaction with people s body size. On theRead MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media allows people to share pictures and ideas with others across the world. Women and girls can use social media to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others. Women during this time period that are so heavily impacted by the media can link their self-worth to their looks. I used scholarly articles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. After research, we can conclude that social media has a negative effect on a woman’sRead MoreMedia s Impact On Media Consumption Essay1729 Words   |  7 Pagesresources on the internet, 24 hours a day 7 days a week (XXXX). The rapid technological advancements has shifted the consumption of media from television, magazines and billboards to online digital media channels accessed via mobile devices, creating a ‘bedroom culture’ (Sumner, 2016) for many. The shift in media consumption has particularly been induced by the emergence of Social Networking Sites as well as other online platforms, which have become an integral part of our daily lives. SNS enable users to

The Role Of Body Image And Social Media Essay - 1352 Words

Social media is often viewed as ‘friendlier’ than mass media and more ‘real.’ Posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr are made by ‘real’ people. While many women have learned to recognize the inaccurate portrayals of the female body in mass media, fewer have made this connection with social media. An Instagram post can be edited, retouched, angled, and filtered to make the individual in the photo look drastically different from the way they appear in person, just as models are altered in mass media advertisements. The literature I have consulted addresses the relationship between body image and social media use but does not factor in dietary choices. This gap in knowledge is connected to the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods predominantly used to deal with this problem. Researchers use content analyses to describe existing evidence. In this field of study, this method is useful for analyzing social media posts and content posted on the web. It does not, however, address why these patterns may exist and why this is important. Researchers use ethnographies (or netnographies) to study people. Ethnographies rely on rich description of the individual(s) being studied. This research method, however, may result in the exclusion of important information. De la Pena and Quintanilla (2015) may have failed to take note of relevant information because they did not feel it was important to the research question. This, in turn, may have produced incomplete researchShow MoreRelatedThe Study Of Body Image1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe study of body image is a broad topic that touches many subjects including gender. However, the s tudy of body image has been focused mainly on females. This is because the physical shape and image of male bodies have not changed over the history. From the ancient Greek until the modern era, the masculinity is the predominant stereotype for men. Masculine traits include courage, independence and assertiveness (Judith, 2001; Murray, 2000). In contrast to the male body, the female figures have beenRead MoreLiterature Review : Body Image1173 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Review: Body Image â€Å"Act 2: Extending Theory on Social Media and Body Concerns† shows the pattern and connection between social media and body image. People that are already affected by vulnerable factors, such as low self-esteem, depression, perfectionism and the thought that appearance is essential to self-worth, seek the gratifications that come from using social media. For example, if someone is feeling unattractive, but a picture they posted online is getting liked and commented onRead MoreThe Impact Of Mass Media On Body Image1255 Words   |  6 Pagesother health related images and videos on social media, online magazines/blogs, and mass media in general. Mass media has caused an enormous amount of controversy within the last few years concerning body image and what is politically correct. However, mass media’s impact on health can be beneficial if it is used the correct way. The social media aspect of mass media has become something that is involved in most people’s ev eryday lives; and it’s not going away anytime soon. Mass media posts need to beRead MoreHow Does The Media Affect Male Body Image?874 Words   |  4 PagesExploratory Analysis: How Does The Media Effect Male Body Image? Today in modern society, we are driven by social forces. Not only do we strive for human approval and companionship, we also thrive on social media. The media plays such a pivotal role in what we buy, eat, wear, etc. that we are conditioning ourselves to fit the mold for the â€Å"perfect† or â€Å"ideal† body type. This social construct has been a pressing issue for many years regarding the female physique, but not as much has been said onRead MoreThe Evolution of a Womans Body Image1282 Words   |  5 PagesThe Evolution of a Woman’s Body Image A womans body is always in the spotlight and expected to look presentable no matter what. Body image is a fight that women have been battling virtually since the 1700s. That is approximately 300 years that the ideal body has been altered in accordance to what society deems as â€Å"beautiful†. It is difficult to predict something that has transformed many times throughout the years, yet in the 1990s and early 2000s, if models became any skinnier, they would notRead MoreStudies of Social Media and its Effects on Adolescent’s Body Image 1166 Words   |  5 Pagesthe years, technology has evolved into something people cannot live without. Mixed in with all of the improvements, social media has become a major asset in the lives of people. Social media can include websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but can also include video games and magazines. However, social media is not always genuine. In the mindset of adolescents, these medias help to create unrealistic id eas of who they are and who they should be. As if going through puberty isn’t difficultRead MoreSocial And Social Impact On Social Media1167 Words   |  5 PagesThis study suggests that social comparison orientation (SCO) produces negative outcomes is associated with social media use. They believe that people high in SCO are very aware of people around them and thus are more drawn to social media because the expansive networks allow individuals to connect to a wide variety of others, and we can learn a large amount about these people from their profiles. Also, social networking sites allow for upward social comparison, or the comparison of yourself withRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Body Image1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthe concept of body image is influenced by external factors as culture, society norms, especially with the development of modern social media, it has grown up to be an important element in affecting the perception of body image to shape the body image. The influence of mass media may be related to the social comparison process of appearance in female and male. The ideal media body image, it is easy to compare in everyday life, and that will result to dissatisfaction with people s body size. On theRead MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media allows people to share pictures and ideas with others across the world. Women and girls can use social media to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others. Women during this time period that are so heavily impacted by the media can link their self-worth to their looks. I used scholarly articles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. After research, we can conclude that social media has a negative effect on a woman’sRead MoreMedia s Impact On Media Consumption Essay1729 Words   |  7 Pagesresources on the internet, 24 hours a day 7 days a week (XXXX). The rapid technological advancements has shifted the consumption of media from television, magazines and billboards to online digital media channels accessed via mobile devices, creating a ‘bedroom culture’ (Sumner, 2016) for many. The shift in media consumption has particularly been induced by the emergence of Social Networking Sites as well as other online platforms, which have become an integral part of our daily lives. SNS enable users to

The Role Of Body Image And Social Media Essay - 1352 Words

Social media is often viewed as ‘friendlier’ than mass media and more ‘real.’ Posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr are made by ‘real’ people. While many women have learned to recognize the inaccurate portrayals of the female body in mass media, fewer have made this connection with social media. An Instagram post can be edited, retouched, angled, and filtered to make the individual in the photo look drastically different from the way they appear in person, just as models are altered in mass media advertisements. The literature I have consulted addresses the relationship between body image and social media use but does not factor in dietary choices. This gap in knowledge is connected to the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods predominantly used to deal with this problem. Researchers use content analyses to describe existing evidence. In this field of study, this method is useful for analyzing social media posts and content posted on the web. It does not, however, address why these patterns may exist and why this is important. Researchers use ethnographies (or netnographies) to study people. Ethnographies rely on rich description of the individual(s) being studied. This research method, however, may result in the exclusion of important information. De la Pena and Quintanilla (2015) may have failed to take note of relevant information because they did not feel it was important to the research question. This, in turn, may have produced incomplete researchShow MoreRelatedThe Study Of Body Image1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe study of body image is a broad topic that touches many subjects including gender. However, the s tudy of body image has been focused mainly on females. This is because the physical shape and image of male bodies have not changed over the history. From the ancient Greek until the modern era, the masculinity is the predominant stereotype for men. Masculine traits include courage, independence and assertiveness (Judith, 2001; Murray, 2000). In contrast to the male body, the female figures have beenRead MoreLiterature Review : Body Image1173 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Review: Body Image â€Å"Act 2: Extending Theory on Social Media and Body Concerns† shows the pattern and connection between social media and body image. People that are already affected by vulnerable factors, such as low self-esteem, depression, perfectionism and the thought that appearance is essential to self-worth, seek the gratifications that come from using social media. For example, if someone is feeling unattractive, but a picture they posted online is getting liked and commented onRead MoreThe Impact Of Mass Media On Body Image1255 Words   |  6 Pagesother health related images and videos on social media, online magazines/blogs, and mass media in general. Mass media has caused an enormous amount of controversy within the last few years concerning body image and what is politically correct. However, mass media’s impact on health can be beneficial if it is used the correct way. The social media aspect of mass media has become something that is involved in most people’s ev eryday lives; and it’s not going away anytime soon. Mass media posts need to beRead MoreHow Does The Media Affect Male Body Image?874 Words   |  4 PagesExploratory Analysis: How Does The Media Effect Male Body Image? Today in modern society, we are driven by social forces. Not only do we strive for human approval and companionship, we also thrive on social media. The media plays such a pivotal role in what we buy, eat, wear, etc. that we are conditioning ourselves to fit the mold for the â€Å"perfect† or â€Å"ideal† body type. This social construct has been a pressing issue for many years regarding the female physique, but not as much has been said onRead MoreThe Evolution of a Womans Body Image1282 Words   |  5 PagesThe Evolution of a Woman’s Body Image A womans body is always in the spotlight and expected to look presentable no matter what. Body image is a fight that women have been battling virtually since the 1700s. That is approximately 300 years that the ideal body has been altered in accordance to what society deems as â€Å"beautiful†. It is difficult to predict something that has transformed many times throughout the years, yet in the 1990s and early 2000s, if models became any skinnier, they would notRead MoreStudies of Social Media and its Effects on Adolescent’s Body Image 1166 Words   |  5 Pagesthe years, technology has evolved into something people cannot live without. Mixed in with all of the improvements, social media has become a major asset in the lives of people. Social media can include websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but can also include video games and magazines. However, social media is not always genuine. In the mindset of adolescents, these medias help to create unrealistic id eas of who they are and who they should be. As if going through puberty isn’t difficultRead MoreSocial And Social Impact On Social Media1167 Words   |  5 PagesThis study suggests that social comparison orientation (SCO) produces negative outcomes is associated with social media use. They believe that people high in SCO are very aware of people around them and thus are more drawn to social media because the expansive networks allow individuals to connect to a wide variety of others, and we can learn a large amount about these people from their profiles. Also, social networking sites allow for upward social comparison, or the comparison of yourself withRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Body Image1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthe concept of body image is influenced by external factors as culture, society norms, especially with the development of modern social media, it has grown up to be an important element in affecting the perception of body image to shape the body image. The influence of mass media may be related to the social comparison process of appearance in female and male. The ideal media body image, it is easy to compare in everyday life, and that will result to dissatisfaction with people s body size. On theRead MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media allows people to share pictures and ideas with others across the world. Women and girls can use social media to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others. Women during this time period that are so heavily impacted by the media can link their self-worth to their looks. I used scholarly articles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. After research, we can conclude that social media has a negative effect on a woman’sRead MoreMedia s Impact On Media Consumption Essay1729 Words   |  7 Pagesresources on the internet, 24 hours a day 7 days a week (XXXX). The rapid technological advancements has shifted the consumption of media from television, magazines and billboards to online digital media channels accessed via mobile devices, creating a ‘bedroom culture’ (Sumner, 2016) for many. The shift in media consumption has particularly been induced by the emergence of Social Networking Sites as well as other online platforms, which have become an integral part of our daily lives. SNS enable users to

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Meaning of Gre Argument Essay

The Meaning of Gre Argument Essay The GRE Argument Essay doesn't need to be hard. Because it involves critiquing someone else's argument, rather than building your own, it may be difficult to see at first how you can keep your essay organized. An effective GRE essay is one which is planned out beforehand. The argument essay in GRE demands specific preparation as a way to attempt it successfully. Take the time to proofread your essay, when you finish writing it. There are scores and scores of mock essays on the web, and with a very simple google search, you can get access to different essays for the GRE. If you are thinking about why, it's because it isn't in any respect easy to grade your essay instantaneously. To begin with, utilize the perfect-scoring sample GRE essays within this guide as models of potential tactics to do the essay tasks. The Unexpected Truth About Gre Argument Essay There's, obviously, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. In addition, the argument doesn't cover the extra price of putting computers in the schools. It's possible for you to receive a better idea of the way to organize from tips three and four. Sometimes you must present the issue and discuss what information is necessary to resolve the issue. The Basics of G re Argument Essay There's great benefit in practicing for the essay at the right time of preparation. With just 30 minutes to finish the argument task, your work isn't to be comprehensive, yet to analyze the points that matter. Learn what you're very likely to see, and you will have a much simpler time with whatever prompt you do get, even in the event you haven't seen it before. A response that's uncertain or self-contradicting will damage your capacity to produce cogent points, and therefore don't be scared to select something that looks glaringly wrong and run with this. Today you are able to move on to a consideration of your very first principal issue. The very first facet of the essay we'll analyze is the way that it succeeds in identifying and examining the pieces of the argument that are related to the endeavor. The task presents a succinct passage where the author creates a case for a plan of action or interprets events by presenting claims and supporting evidence. W rite a response in which you discuss what questions would want to get answered to be able to choose whether the recommendation will probably have the predicted outcome. Although this essay is apparently carefully organized, it doesn't adhere to the directions for the assigned task. One of the absolute most important features about a compelling essay is its capacity to convince the reader by way of sound logical reasoning. There are several printable paper dice templates to pick from. My teaching philosophy with an absolutely free essay review free essay reviews providing an instance of how you model a great practice, or the way you challenge. You may want to point that out! So, it's rather safe to say that the AWA score is a significant enough issue in regards to admissions. Consequently, you'll end up with a score much lower than that which you actually deserve. The question of argument essay is in the shape of an argument written by means of an author. There are a few co mmonalities across all the essay prompts on the GRE Argument pool page, even past the fact which every task asks you to examine some type of argument and analyze it. You must by no means agree with the argument. Arguments are usually not well-supported or can be readily refuted, therefore, your very first sentence can produce the point that the argument isn't well-reasoned, as it leaves out factors that would want to get considered. What You Need to Do About Gre Argument Essay Starting in the Next 20 Minutes Each paragraph within the body of this perceptive essay identifies and examines an unstated assumption that is critical to the argument. If you can't locate a very clear field of argument, you should say that the author has jumped to conclusions. It isn't hard to get carried away and attempt to enumerate all the logical inconsistencies in the paragraph. Simply take a couple of minutes to plan your response and compose an outline prior to beginning your essay. No superio r writer under sunlight writes two exactly same sentences within an essay or article. If you just end up discussing two leading questions or assumptions from the argument, it's perfectly fine to wind up with two body paragraphs, but you ought to remember that in case you have time, there may be a third avenue of the argument that's well worth exploring. Likewise, the writer is optimistic concerning the state promise to wash the river. The main reason is the GRE would like to observe how you analyze an intricate matter. It is possible to then practice replicating successful connections between ideas in your practice essays. Be sure to spell out in what way the answers to the questions would help to value the conclusion. When taking the computer-delivered GRE General Test, you're absolutely free to skip questions which you might have difficulty answering.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Elasticity of Demand & Price Discrimination-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.As a producer, why is it important to consider the Price elasticity of demand of your product when setting the price you are going to charge? 2.Explain the difference between comparative advantage an absolute advantages. Answers: Elasticity of demand captures adjustment in demand quantity in relation to change in price. Demand changes differently for different type of goods. Demand plays an important role in pricing decision. Producers consider responses of demand at alternative prices. For goods with elastic demand, a small change in price makes a big difference its demand (Esteves Reggiani, 2014). Opposite is the case for inelastic demand. These two situations are explained in the following diagrams. Figure 1: Market with Elastic demand curve (Source: as created by Author) Figure 1 describes the market situation with a relatively elastic demand curve. The demand curve is DD, which is drawn flatter to explain the elastic nature of demand. SS is the initial supply curve. In order to increase the price from P to P1, producer has to shift the supply curved from SS to S1S1. Accordingly, the quantity supplied decreases from Q to Q1. From figure 1, it is clearly visible that a small increase in price requires a much larger decrease in quantity as PP1 QQ1. Figure 2: Market with inelastic demand curve (Source: as created by Author) In figure 2, steeper demand curve shows the market situation with inelastic demand curve (Tomek Kaiser, 2014). In times of inelastic demand, buyers cannot change their demand much even when price increases. As shown in the figure, producer needs to reduce supply quantity with a small magnitude to increase the price from P to P1. Here, quantity reduction is smaller than price increase. Absolute and comparative advantages are two oldest theory of international trade.. Adam Smith developed the model of absolute advantage. The asic model was developed in a framework of two-country two-commodity. A country enjoys absolute advantage if it can produce more goods and services than another country with given amount of resources. Prior to development of comparative advantage model countries exchange goods based on their absolute advantages (Feenstra, 2015). A country exports the good in which it has absolute advantage and imports the good that involve higher cost. Problem occurs where one country has absolute advantage in all goods. Comparative advantage gives a solution to this situation. Here specialization and exchange is determined based on opportunity cost involved in the production of goods (Viner, 2016). The concept of production possibility frontier is used to understand the opportunity cost. It is the cost of sacrificing one good to produce some other good. The situation is explained with the following example. Table 1: Production of two goods in Country A and B (Source: www.economicsonline.com) In the example given above, country A is able to produce 30m of cars or 6m truck and the same for country B is 35 m or 21m. Here, when look for absolute advantage, country B is in a advantageous position for both the product. Therefore, going by absolute advantage theory no two-way trade relation is suggested. However, country B has a comparative advantage in trucks production because of its lower opportunity cost. In truck production country B is 3.5 times better than country A as compared to only 1.7 times in Cars production. Figure 3: Opportunity cost of country A and Country B in Cars and Trucks (Source: www.economiconline.com) A country specializes and exports good in which it has a comparative advantage and import goods that involve greater sacrifice of other goods References Esteves, R. B., Reggiani, C. (2014). Elasticity of demand and behaviour-based price discrimination.International Journal of Industrial Organization,32, 46-56. Feenstra, R. C. (2015).Advanced international trade: theory and evidence. Princeton university press. Tomek, W. G., Kaiser, H. M. (2014).Agricultural product prices. Cornell University Press. Viner, J. (2016).Studies in the theory of international trade. Routledge.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Jackie Robinson Baseball Player and Civil Rights Activist free essay sample

Baseball player And Civil Rights Activist? By: Moni Swed Thesis Paper Jackie Robinson, an icon, a civil rights activist, a political leader, a man who helped change American society. Jackie Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia on January 31st, 1919 and died October 24, 1972. Even though his life was cut short to 53 years, Robinson accomplished goals that very few people would be able to accomplish; he was the first black man to play the game of baseball in the major league. This had a tremendous impact on American society. Throughout his lifetime, Jackie faced many adversities, as did everybody who had black skin. During the 1900s, African Americans faced discrimination and segregation. Whites and blacks would attend different schools, drink from different water fountains, eat in different restaurants, stay in different hotels, sit in different parts of the bus etc. This is the world Jackie grew up in. As world war two came to an end in 1945, African Americans were no longer content with being second class citizens as many of them have put their lives on the line fighting for this country. We will write a custom essay sample on Jackie Robinson: Baseball Player and Civil Rights Activist? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jackie Robinson was among those who fought in Vietnam and spent his time playing for the Negro baseball leagues while he was not sacrificing his life for our country. Branch Rickey, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers at the time is the one who founded the Negro leagues in 1945. Although it was never thought of as a serious league and does not have any records of games played, Branch used the league in order to quietly scout black talent in order to challenge segregation in the major leagues. This is how he found Jackie Robinson, one of the best players in the Negro league. Branch offered Jackie a once in a lifetime opportunity to play for the Dodgers. However, he made it clear to Jackie that he was going to hear a lot of very racist remarks by not only the fans, but opposing players as well. Both Branch and Jackie understood that this was a very delicate situation, not only was Jackie going to have to maintain his composure when it would come to racist  remarks, death threats and balls thrown at his head by opposing pitchers, but the whole African American society was depending on him to be able to compete against whites because this would set the table for other black people trying to play baseball on the professional level. It would prove to white people that black people can compete with white people not only in baseball, but in every other aspect as well. Jackie did more than just compete, he became one of the best in the business, in his first season as a Brooklyn Dodger, he won rookie of the year and in 1949, he won the batting title leading the league with a .  342 batting average. He was selected to six consecutive all star games and won the NL MVP in 1949, the same year he won the batting title. This eventually proved everybody who thought black people could not compete with white people in anything wrong. Branch Rickey signing Jackie Robinson, also influenced other team owners to sign black players; Larry Doby was the next African American baseball player to be signed by the Cleveland Indians just a couple months later in July of 1947, then came Hank Thompson for the St. Louis Browns less than 2 weeks later, then Monte Irvin for the New York Giants two years later, and so on. Blacks did not only gain opportunity of baseball, but Jackie made it that black people would be looked at as people that can live up to the same potential that everybody else can in many other aspects. Jackie Robinson’s prominence as a black athlete increased his credibility as a political activist, which made it easier for him to be a part of the civil rights movement. Jackie Robinson provided black people with more opportunities by breaking the color barrier and performing the way he did. â€Å"Naturally, the good things of the game seem especially gratifying to a big leaguer who, as a boy, probably assumed his color would make it impossible for him to even enjoy them† (Briley, 93). The idea that it seemed almost impossible for a black kid to ever join the major leagues at one point, and then have Jackie come into the big picture proving that blacks can compete with whites, makes the game that much better. It proved to America that no matter what race or background, everybody has the same ability and can live up to their potential. There was still a lot of racism and criticism but Jackie’s courage helped make a huge difference in American society and took our country a step ahead in terms of equality. Hank Aaron stated, â€Å"Before Jackie Robinson broke the color line, I wasn’t permitted to even think about being a professional ball player. I once mentioned something to my father about, and he said, ‘Ain’t no colored ball players. ’ All that changed when Jackie put number 42 and started stealing bases in a Brooklyn uniform†(Cook, 4)). Before Jackie took the field, young black children everywhere including Hank Aaron believed that they would never be able to play baseball. Society was unfair to blacks and did not give them the same opportunities that whites had. At that time in history, black people were not equal to whites; they were dehumanized due to the thought that they were less important, less intelligent as well as less worthy. Because of this they were hardly aloud to walk in the same surroundings as white people without being abused whether it was verbally or physically. Suddenly, after Jackie put on that Brooklyn Dodger uniform and proved himself, it proved other black people would be able to do this as well and it gave people like Hank Aaron who is now in the hall of fame, the opportunity to play baseball and live up to their goals. Hank Aaron is known as the home run king of baseball thanks to Jackie giving him the opportunity. Delino Deshields, St. Louis Cardinals second baseman stated, â€Å"Jackie was before Rosa Parks. He was before Martin Luther King, Malcolm X. Jackie did all this stuff. He’s a pioneer, to me, for civil rights in general. Him breaking the color line in baseball was bigger than any civil rights march, anything, in my opinion that happened after that. That was the transcending thing† (Chass, 2). This piece of evidence brings out the idea that Jackie laid out the table for all civil rights activists. When someone can say that one man could have been bigger than any civil rights march, it means that that one man, being Jackie Robinson in this case, all by himself made more of an impact on society than a large group of people which is an amazing feat to accomplish. He was a pioneer in what he did and many people were influenced by his courage to go out on the field and succeed. Some may say that the fact that he could go out and perform the way he did lead to black people believing more in themselves that if they have faith and think they can make a difference, they will. Obviously, not every black person felt that way but Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and many others believed this and they ended up having a huge impact on society. The question of whether or not all of this would have happened if Jackie Robinson hadn’t laid out the table is one that can’t be answered but it deffinately would make for a good debate. Jackie Robinson had to show strength in terms of ignoring the racist remarks and death threats in order for this experiment to work. â€Å"Jackie faced more adversity in the big leagues than most people will ever face in their entire lives. It was rather remarkable how he handles all that adversity, his self-discipline. He held it all in, even with all of the terrible things he saw and heard† Williams, 1). Very few people will ever go through the same amount of pressure and hate that Jackie had to go through. Also, very few people have not heard half the bad things Jackie heard and saw in their lives. Jackie went through a lot and literally risked his life to make American a better place and equalize opportunity for African Americans. It would not be surprising if the things that he went through scarred him. However, it was all worth it at the end but it very well could have taken a bad turn if Jackie did not do everything that he needed to do which was be the best and ignore everything that came to him, from the media, to the fans, to the opponents. Jackie made a huge sacrifice to do what he did. â€Å"Robinson lived in a time when racial segregation and prejudices were common place in American society. The courage he showed by accepting the Brooklyn Dodgers offers to play baseball in the major leagues epitomizes his personality† (www. trincoll. edu, 3). Jackie knew what was coming to him as soon as Branch Rickey offered him a contract to play with the Brooklyn Dodgers. He had to have a lot of courage to know that he was getting himself into a massive amount of pressure not only because everybody in America was going to have their eye on him, but also because of the huge responsibilities that came with it. Also, consider the fact that America was more racist and racial segregation took place. Jackie knew that this could either make or break black America all depending on his performances and reactions as well as poise. â€Å"Robinson was forced to practice on a field in the black part of Daytona beach, away from the main stadium. Threats were an everyday part of his existence. ‘This wasn’t Ebbets field’ Lamb said. ‘He went into the deep south, where black people who challenged desegregation were lynched† (Sportsillustrated. cnn. com, 2). Back in this time period, times were so bad and harsh towards black people that Jackie could not even practice with his teammates. He dealt with racial criticism and death threats etc every day through out his baseball career, especially in the beginning. The whole country was racist at during this time but it is known that the south was the worst of the worst. As the piece of evidence above says, black people who challenged segregation were lynched. It is impossible for one to ignore something like this when they are the target. The best thing one can do is keep all the anger and depression to yourself and do your best on the field. Jackie did just that. Jackie Robinson’s ability to have the courage to speak aggressively against discrimination increased his credibility. â€Å"My letter to the governor was a harshly honest letter. I said I felt no self-respecting black man could respect an administration that had no blacks in significant jobs. Governor Rockefeller met my honesty head on. He telephoned me personally and told me how much he appreciated my truthfulness. He admitted that things were not as they should be for blacks in state governments and that he wanted to take steps to correct this; he suggested we meet and talk things over within the next few days. In the course of that telephone call, I bluntly said, â€Å"If you don’t want to hear the down to earth truth about how you are thought of in the black community, let’s just forget about it. He assured me that he wanted and needed unbiased advice. The meeting took place in a private room at the top of Radio City Music Hall. He did not bring any apologists or token black leaders into the meeting to justify himself. He brought an open mind and someone to take notes† (Robinson, 3). Jackie’s spectacular professional ball playing career made it easier to have the opportunity to reach out to major politicians like Governor Rockefeller. After his career, Jackie had the ability to have his voice heard so he could have important individuals hear a black persons perspective. It was important for Jackie to be able to voice his opinion for the black community because he was one of the very few, if not the only black man during this time period that had the power to have politicians and society overall listen to what he had to say. Not only did he have politicians listen to him, but he let them know in advance that he was going to be as straight forward and brutally honest as he had to be, according to the source above, the result of the meeting that took place came with drastic changes. Months after the meeting, Governor Rockefeller appointed the first black people to work in high positions, having them influencing his everyday decisions even though many people were unhappy with this decision. Jackie took matters into his own hands and eventually became responsible for the hiring of many black men to work such a highly paid job as politicians. If Jackie had not played professional baseball and succeeded the way he did, chances are the governor would not have given Jackie the time of day to listen to his opinion. However, due to the fact that Jackie was so highly respected for his courage and performance under pressure, the governor not only listened to what he had to say, but he took Jackie’s words and used them to change a large aspect of his job in order to benefit African Americans even though many people were not happy with this decision. Jackie stated, â€Å"The white public should start toward real understanding by appreciating that every single Negro who is worth his salt is going to resent any kind of slurs and discrimination because of his race. The more a Negro hates communism because it opposes democracy, the more he is going to hate any other influence that kills of democracy in this country and that goes for racial discrimination† (Cook, 4). The attitude that Jackie had in this piece of evidence was not new to him, however it was new to everybody else and came as a surprise to them. The public was not use to seeing this side of Jackie considering Branch Rickey, the man who signed Jackie to the Brooklyn Dodgers told Jackie that he could not show signs of anger or frustration no matter what he hears from the public. After two years of playing with the Dodgers the way he did, Branch Rickey told Jackie that he ‘earned the right to be himself. ’ Jackie took advantage of that opportunity by speaking aggressively for the first time about what was on his mind. This was symbolic for Jackie because it was the first of many times that he would speak his mind in such a way. In 1956, when his baseball career ended, his political career began. Robinson embraced his knowledge of politics and speaking abilities in order to help the cause of deterring racial issues as much as he possibly could. It is evident that he did a good job at that as well. Jackie poured all of his anger and frustration at the racism he encountered into his ball playing, increasing his abilities on the field, and further silencing his critics. His ability to do this increased his credibility as a symbol for racial equality, which made it easier for him to be politically involved after his baseball career ended. â€Å"The average human being loses some efficiency when he’s angry. We all have problems doing our job when we are angry. Jackie’s uniqueness lay in the fact that he performed even better when angry† (Williams, 98). Normally, when people get mad, it is harder for them to achieve what they need to because they are more focused on their anger and breaking something or getting revenge etc as opposed to actually getting their job done. Jackie was the opposite of this, when he got mad over the racial slurs and ignorance of America in this time period, he took it in stride and used what got him angry as motivation to play even better. This made white people look at the big picture and as for dehumanizing black people, it was not completely put to a stop but was somewhat deterred. â€Å"Somehow, Jackie had the strength to suppress his instincts, to sacrifice his pride for his people. It was an act of selflessness that brought the races closer together than ever before and shaped the dreams of an entire generation† (www. time. com, 3). Deep down, Jackie wanted to retaliate against the white supremacists, but he swallowed his pride and instead of physically and verbally retaliating, he retaliated with his talent in baseball. He swallowed his pride for the sake of other people as well as future generations. He was one of the very few people in this world that realized at the time, despite how much tension there was, that it would all be worth it at the end and it was. The fact that he had the power to do that is the reason for us as a nation being where we are today. This act of selflessness surprised everyone who criticized him and silenced them. This is why it became easier as time went on for Jackie to be able to play because the pressure started lowering down as the years passed by. This is what happened when people started to realize the man that Jackie was. Jackie Robinson’s determination and debating skills helped impact the Civil Rights Movement in terms of bringing America one-step closer to equality. Jackie Robinson stated, â€Å"I believe blacks ought to become producers, manufacturers, developers, and creators of businesses, providers of jobs. For too long we had been spending much too much money on liquor while we owned few liquor stores and were not even manufacturing it. If you found a black man making shoes or candy or ice cream it was a rarity. We talked about not having capital, but we needed to learn to take a chance, to be daring, to pool capital, to organize our buy power so that the millions we spent did not leave our communities to be stacked up in the downtown banks. In addition to the economic security we could build green with power, we could use economic means to reinforce black power. How much more effective our demands for a piece of the action would be if we were negotiating from the strength of our own reliance rather than stating our case in the role of beggar or someone out for charity† (I NEVER HAD IT MADE, 4). Jackie obviously had a lot of ambition and was willing to do whatever it took to give blacks more power and motivate more blacks to put as much effort as Jackie himself was putting in. hearing these words come out of Jackie’s mouth could make one think of Martin Luther King, possibly one of the best known Civil Rights Activists to ever live. They both sound very similar in terms of leadership and how they carried themselves with pride. Not willing to say no, not willing to negotiate, but demanding what they believed was right. That is what makes a true leader and a little bit of Martin Luther King could be seen in Jackie Robinson. Maybe it is true after all that Jackie was one of Martin Luther King’s influences. Everybody in our world has to have a role model or someone to just influence us and it would make a lot of sense if that were the case between Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King. They both had great determination and that is part of how they helped make a difference in American society. â€Å"I was booked on a television conservatism panel which included Bill Buckley, Shelley Winters, and myself. When my friends and family learned I had consented to participate, they were aghast. ‘Send a telegram and say you can’t make it. Bill Buckley will destroy you. He really knows how to make people look foolish. ’ I was glad to receive these warnings. I didn’t have the slightest intention of backing out, although I already had a healthy respect for Buckley’s craft as a debater. These apprehensions of my friends made me create an advance strategy which I otherwise might have not employed. I lifted it strictly out of my sports background. When you know that you are going to face a tough, tricky opponent, you don’t let him get the first lick. Jump him before he can do anything and stay on him, keeping him on the defensive. Never let up and you rattle him effectively. When the show opened up-before Buckley could get into his devastating act of using snide remarks, big words, and the superior manner-I lit right into whim with the charge that many influential Goldwater members were racist. Shelley winters piled in behind me, and Buckley scarcely got a chance to collect his considerable wit. A man who prides himself on coming out of verbal battle cool, smiling, and victorious, he lost his calm, became snappish and irritated, and when the show was over and everyone else was shaking hands, got up and strode angrily out of the studio. It was a small victory, but an important one for me. There didn’t seem to be much to win in those days on the political scene but I have always believed in fighting, even if only to keep the negative forces back† (I NEVER HAD IT MADE, 8). What we see in a lot of black athletes today as well as in the past is their ability to not fold under pressure and to never give up. We saw an example of that in the last quote when Jackie pointed out that he had no intentions of backing out of the show despite Bill Buckner who is apparently known for tearing people apart on national television. Instead of backing out, Jackie took the mans reputation in stride and used it against him. It might not be a coincidence that this is the strategy that many professional athletes use to succeed in what they do, which is to figure out everything you can about your opponent and get to know anything you can about his weaknesses before he does the same to you. It is evident that Robinson used his knowledge from baseball to benefit himself in this particular situation. It is still a question whether athletes or people in general use this type of strategy on their own or is it because everybody people followed someone in terms of how to go about these situations. Jackie after all is considered a pioneer and this may be another aspect of how he was a pioneer. Regardless of the case, this is another example of how courageous he was. Jackie Robinson’s fame as a ballplayer and his excellence not only on but off the field inspired blacks and disproved racist theory. â€Å"I would argue he is one of the twenty most important Americans of the last century. Put simply, to be an American citizen, to understand the history of this century and our society’s continuing growth you have to know Jackie Robinson† (Williams, IntroXV). Jackie by far had one of the biggest impacts an individual ever had in the history of America. To be a good American citizen, is to know the history of your nation and Jackie played a large role in the history of our nation. What gave him the ability to have a large impact on our country was the fact that he won awards such as; rookie of the year, MVP, won a batting title and led the league in stolen bases multiple seasons. Not to mention the ability to block out the critics and hateful fans routing for him to fail. After people saw this, it made it easier for them to think that if Jackie, being a black man in America can accomplish these feats, maybe all of them can. Robinson opened the door to professional to black Americans. He was a pioneer in his own right, who forever changed the opinions of countless American baseball fans† (www. trincoll. edu, 3). Jackie gave other people who thought they would never have a chance, the opportunity to become what they wanted to be in life. In his own way, Robinson made a change in America without even needing to speak. He let the game speak not only for himself, but every black person living in America in this time period. There was racist theory that black people were stupid and could not amount to anything. Considering this, there was no chance that black people could compete with whites and that is why when Jackie Robinson took the field, half of America was angry that he was getting the opportunity to compete but the other half was curious to see how we would perform. After seeing what Jackie could do on the field, It silenced the ignorance of America, not completely but it definitely made our country somewhat more peaceful. None of this would have been accomplished if Jackie did not have the talent and poise that he came through with. â€Å"Breaking the color barrier did say, ‘Maybe it’s not so bad that you can have an African-American athlete participate in the so-called American sport. Brown said, I think people started to re-it after they saw Robinson† (mlb. mlb. com, 2). Before Jackie ever took the field, most of America thought that an African American would never have the opportunity and even if given the opportunity, never be able to compete in the major league level with the white players. After they saw Jackie, they realized it wasn’t so bad and it couldn’t hurt having black people in the majors as long as they could compete. If Jackie did not have the talent, people would look and say that black people really can not compete and be angry that Jackie even had the chance. It would probably prevent another African American to have the opportunity not only to play baseball but a lot of other things for a long time. Jackie was aware of this and despite the intense pressure it brought, he still came through as one of the best and thrived under very difficult circumstances. Some may argue that Jackie Robinson was an anomaly and did not defy all blacks; he was just an acception because people saw that he could play baseball and do more than just compete with white people. Also, Jackie was a good speaker and people saw this. For those reasons, people eventually accepted Jackie Robinson but not the rest of the black society because they were still looked at as unintelligent, useless and non human. However, the weakness in this argument is that Jackie was not exception and that he truly did contribute to African Americans being looked at as equal. When people saw Jackie perform, and then after his amazing career watch him become politically active and see how smart the man was (which was a surprise to them) they realized that not only him, but African Americans everywhere had the same potential that everybody else in the world we live in has. Not only did they see that, but they witnessed Jackie Robinson hearing the most obscene remarks from fans and opponents on the field, any normal human beings first reaction would most likely be to let their temper get the best of them and talk back, maybe even start a fight. Jackie Robinson simply ignored them and under the intense amount of pressure, not only did he keep his cool but also he played right through it better than anybody expected him to. Jackie Robinson made a huge difference in American society. Nobody can completely change a society’s opinion all on his own but he helped. He pushed our country a step forward and was the first of many individuals to contribute to the civil rights movement. Jackie’s name was known before Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. , Rosa Parks and many others. Robinson played a large role in giving black people the opportunity to become what they wanted to be in life and now today, we have a black president. However, we still do see signs of racism in our world today; our president receiving death threats, the way the media portrays black people and the fact that we do not have many big time CEOs in our country being black. Even though color is not invisible in our society, a lot has changed since the 1900s and we do not see nearly as much racism today as we use to see back then. Black people were constantly dehumanized but thanks to people like Jackie Robinson and many other civil rights activists, our world is slowly but surely becoming a place of equality.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Returning a Call and Replying to a Message

Returning a Call and Replying to a Message Returning a Call and Replying to a Message Returning a Call and Replying to a Message By Maeve Maddox A person who is not able to speak to a caller at the time a call is placed, telephones the person who called at a later time. The phrase used to describe this exchange of phone calls is â€Å"to return a phone call.† This use of return is suitable in the context of telephoning, but it is not the best choice for other forms of communication. In the context of written messages, â€Å"to return† is commonly understood to mean â€Å"to send back† or â€Å"to reject.† For example: She returned his letters unread. I keep getting all these emails returned undelivered. Senders are getting their  emails returned  when sending to our gmail account. Some speakers, perhaps by analogy with telephoning, use return as if it meant, reply, respond, or respond to. Here are some examples, together with revisions: He returned my message right away. BETTER: He replied to my message right away. I suggested a date to visit his institution but  he never returned my email. BETTER: I suggested a date to visit his institution, but he never replied to my email. The doctor never returned my message  or sent any kind of confirmation that  he  received it. BETTER: The doctor never responded to my message or sent any kind of confirmation that he received it. They  never returned my request  for information. BETTER: They never responded to my request for information. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsYay, Hooray, Woo-hoo and Other AcclamationsPassed vs Past

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Write a Poem 8 Fundamentals for Writing Poetry Thats Meaningful

How to Write a Poem 8 Fundamentals for Writing Poetry Thats Meaningful How to Write a Poem: 8 Fundamentals for Writing Poetry Thats Meaningful Learning how to write a poem is debatably one of the hardest forms of creative writing to master- there are so many â€Å"rules†, but at the same time, no rules at all.Confusing, right?Despite the challenge, writing poetry is a very fulfilling creative venue, and we have exactly what youre looking for to learn how to nail this art form.Because poetry is so specific to the artist, knowing how to write a poem in your own way can be tricky.Heres how to write a poem using our fundamentals of poetry:Understand the benefits of writing poetryDecide which type of poetry to writeHave proper poem structureInclude sharp imageryFocus on sound in poetryDefine the poems meaningHave a goalAvoid clichà ©s in your poemsOpt for minimalistic poemsRefine your poem to perfectionIf youre ready to learn what it takes to write (and then potentially publish a book of) good poetry, weve got the help you need.NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and pu blishing process in our VIP Fiction Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereBenefits of Learning How to Write a PoemEven if you aren’t looking to become a full-time poet, or even attempt to publish a single poem, writing poetry can be beneficial in several ways.It strengthens your skills in writing solid imagery. Poetry is a very image-based form of writing, so practicing poetry will improve your imagery in other forms as well.Poetry is concise and impactful- it uses strong language, and no more words than are necessary. If you have an understanding of how to write a poem, your prose when writing a novel will become crisper and stronger.Poetry helps you to connect with emotions in a tangible way. Other forms of writing have the plot to hide behind- with poetry, all you’ve got are emotions. (Unless it’s a narrative poem, of course.)Types of PoetryNot all types of poetry are the same, and that means learning how to write a poem involves being familiar wit h the different types.Here are the different types of poetry:Narrative this kind of poem relies on a story. It tells an event and there are often a few extra elements, such as characters, a plot, and a strong narration.Lyrical a lyric poem is similar to a song, and it tends to describe a specific feeling, scene, or state of mind.You may be familiar with these different types of poetry. For example, a lyrical poem is actually a song. Listening to your favorite radio station is just like hearing a collection of your favorite poems being read to you with some background music.A narrative poem is, as mentioned above, more like a story told in poetic prose.Heres a small example of a part of Edgar Allen Poes famous poem, The Raven:8 Fundamentals for How to Write a PoemPoetry can often be subjective. Not every poem will speak to every person.That being said, there are different attributes that you should learn if you want to know how to write poetry well regardless.#1 Structure of writi ng a poemThe structure of a poem can refer to many different things, but we’re going to discuss some different forms of poetry, how to use punctuation, and last words.Form of a PoemThe form of your poem is the physical structure. It can have requirements for rhyme, line length, number of lines/stanzas, etc.Here are different types of poetry forms:Sonnet A short, rhyming poem of 14 linesHaiku A poem of 3 lines where the first is 5 syllables, the middle is 7 syllables, and the last is 5.Acrostic A poem where the first letter of each line spells a word that fits with the theme of the poem or exposes a deeper meaning.Limerick This is a 5-live witty poem with the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme as do the other two with each other.Epic This type of poetry is a lengthy narrative poem celebrating adventures or accomplishments of heroes.Couplet This can be a part of a poem or stand alone as a poem of two lines that rhyme.Free verse This type of poem doesnt follow any rules and is free written poetry by the author.The majority of poets, specifically less experienced ones, write what’s called free verse, which is a poem without a form, or with a form the poet has made up for that specific piece.A poet may decide to have a certain rhyme scheme or might make their poems syllabic.With a free verse poem, you can set up any theme or pattern you wish, or have none at all.The great thing about poetry is that you can even start with a specific poem form, and then choose to alter it in order to make it unique and your own.Poetry PunctuationWriting a poem is difficult because you never know what the appropriate punctuation is, because it can be different from punctuation when writing a book.There are essentially three ways to punctuate your poetry:Grammatically this means you use punctuation properly for every grammar rule; if you removed the lines and stanzas, it would work as a grammatically correct paragraph, and this even includes writing dialogue in your poem.Stylistically this means you use punctuation to serve the way you would like the poem to be read. A comma indicates a short pause, a period indicates a longer pause, a dash indicates a pause with a connection of thoughts. Using no punctuation at all would lend to a rushed feeling, which you may want. Your punctuation choices will depend on your goals when writing a poem.A combination. Maybe you want to mostly follow punctuation rules, but you have a certain line you want read a certain way. It’s totally fine to deviate from standard rules if it serves a purpose- you just need to do whatever you’re doing intentionally. Know the rules before you can break them.In poetry, punctuation serves as the conductor. It sets the beat of a line or a stanza, telling you where to pause for breath. Conversely, enjambment- running lines of poetry together by not ending them with punctuation- can be extremely powerful, when used correctly. It keeps the line flowing without a pause or a full stop. Krystal Blaze DeanLast words of a poemThe last word of a line, the last word of your poem, and the last line of your poem are very important- these are the bits that echo in your reader’s head and have the most emphasis.Ending with punctuation (dash, period, comma) versus ending without punctuation will give you a dramatically different read, so consider the effect you’d like to have.Tip for last words: read the poem out loud a few times to see where you’d like the inflection and emphasis to fall.#2 ImageryImagery is a literary device thats a tangible description that appeals to one of the five senses.The more imagery in a poem, the more the reader can connect with it.Tip for imagery: focus on details. Instead of going for the obvious description, really put yourself in that moment or feeling- what details are the most impactful and real?Here are some examples of imagery:Pungent fumes lifted from the floor beneath her.Burning light paint ed the insides of his eyelids red.Hair from her ponytail bit at her face, swept into a frenzy by the furious winds.Crackling popped in rhythm to the dancing flames.#3 SoundWhile imagery is for the mind, sound is for the ear. How do your words and lines sound when read out loud? The most basic sound style is a rhyme, however, you should never force a rhyme! If you try for exact rhymes on every line, it becomes â€Å"sing songy,† and this is a big, red mark of an amateur. Sticking to a strict rhyme scheme can severely limit your word choice and creativity.Instead of going for exact end rhymes, here are some options to achieve that appealing auditory effect of rhyming when writing poems:Assonance the repetition of a vowel sound in non-rhyming, stressed syllables. Assonance gives you the fun sound effect of a rhyme without sounding campy. An example of assonance is: Hear the mellow wedding bells by Edgar Allen Poe.Alliteration the repetition of a consonant at the beginning of words. Specifically hard consonant sounds like T, ST, and CH have a hard, staccato effect that a lot of poets like to use.Internal rhymes words inside of lines rhyme, rather than the end words. Like assonance, you get the effect of a rhyme without sound like a Dr. Seuss ripoff.Tip for sound in poetry: Focus on beautiful, crisp imagery to carry your poem, rather than strictly relying on the sound and structure of it.#4 MeaningStructure, imagery, and sound work together to make up the technical excellence of a poem. But if your words are empty of a deeper meaning, what’s the point in writing a poem at all?Poetry is a form of storytelling. The key to writing is making the audience feel. Give them something to remember and hold onto. Brookes WashingtonMany new writers latch onto clichà ©s and tired topics (peep that alliteration) for their poems, because they think that’s what they’re supposed to do.But emulating something someone else has done, or some idea of what you should think a poem should be about, isn’t going to give you a genuine, emotional piece that other people can connect to.So write the poem that only you can write.Tips for how to write a poem with meaning: Brainstorm poetry topics by looking at your own experiences. What do you know? When is a time you felt very deeply about something? Can you put that feeling into words? Can you make that feeling an image other people can see through your words? That is the poem you write.You don’t need some grand, dramatic emotion to write about- think about the ordinary things that make us all human.Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red. Kait Rokowski#5 Have a goalHave a goal with writing a poem- what do you want your audience to feel?Are you just writing for fun or for yourself? Poetry is often a very personal form of writing, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt think about your audience a t the same time.If you want to publish your poetry eventually, there are a few things to think about in terms of your goals.What emotion or moral do you want to convey? What are you trying to express?These are important questions to answer in order to write an impactful and memorable poem.#6 Avoid cliche phrases when writing poetryThere are many clichà ©s you want to avoid when writing poetry.Nothing really marks an amateur poet like clichà ©s (and forced rhymes, like we mentioned before).Despite the temptation, avoid clichà © phrases. Go line by line and make your language as crisp and original as you can.If there are pieces in your poem that seem like youve read or heard them before, try to reword it in order to make it more original.#7 Opt for minimalismErr on the side of minimalism. Once you have a draft, cut it back to the bare, raw necessaries.Every word should be heavy with emotion and meaning, and every word should be absolutely essential. If your poem seems long-winded to you, imagine what that would be like for your reader. Be ready to edit your poem to get it down to its best form.Poetry is just word math. Every piece has mean something, and there can’t be any extraneous bits otherwise it gets confusing. It just becomes a puzzle made out of all the words that make you feel something. Abigail Giroir#8 Refine your poemThe real magic of poetry happens in the revising and refining.Revise the ever-living heck out of it. To paraphrase an old professor of mine: Don’t be afraid to sit with it. For weeks, months, years- as long as the poem needs. It’s great to have writing goals and timelines, but don’t rush a poem before you know it’s ready.Avoid abstractions. An abstraction is a word that can only refer to a concept or feeling- it’s not a concrete, tangible thing. Some examples of this are liberty, love, bondage, aggression.Abstractions make every person picture something different, so they are weak words, a nd they will weaken your poem. Instead of using an abstraction, think of what imagery you can use to convey that emotion or concept. Liberty can become chains breaking or birds flying. Love can be bringing your spouse coffee in bed, petting a dog, cleaning a gravestone.Think of the best images to convey your idea of that abstraction, so every reader can be on the same page with you.Don’t pigeonhole yourself into a form that will stifle your creativity, utilize imagery and sound, have a meaning and a purpose for every poem, and revise until your fingers bleed.Ready to start now?Dont forget about our free training we put together for you.If youre ready to learn what it really takes to write and publish a book- yes, including works of poetry- this will help you make it happen.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Essay 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

3 - Essay Example In the environment, particularly one such as an island, most of the ecological niches are usually unoccupied. In the new ecosystem, the species have to evolve and adapt first if they want to survive. In the process of adapting, the species may change so much that in the end it becomes a different species. This is when the species is said to be going through convergent evolution. Convergent evolution refers to the process where unrelated species evolve into similar uniqueness the due to environmental pressures (Wilson 100). Therefore, the process of adaptive radiation takes place when the new species has to evolve so as to make use of the available ecological niches. It is crucial to note that adaptive radiation occurs when the species are under high pressure in the new environment. It is also crucial to note that when adaptive radiation occurs speciation does not take place consciously (Wilson 118). In speciation process, new species are formed. Animals in the new environment are never conscious when adapting into new species. Additionally, in the environment, evolutionary development of adaptive radiation only occurs mostly in animals and a few times in plants. This is because plants do not disperse in new environments like the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research paper on Workplace diversity Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paper on Workplace diversity - Research Proposal Example On the other hand it can become a constraint or limitation if a firm disregards the existence of workplace diversity. This essay analyzes the topic of workplace diversity by discussing the author’s personal experiences and by analyzing concepts and theories on the topic. In the United States of America there are laws that protect employees from being discriminated against based on race, sexual orientation, religion preference, or ethnic background. The most important law that prohibits discrimination in the workplace is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A lot of discrimination cases occur due to stereotypes. A stereotype is an assumption made about a person based on group categorizing. In a recent judicial proceedings judge Miller ruled that an employer can’t discriminate based on sex stereotypes, but it can rely on dress code that enacts stereotypes (Weiss). Resistance to change is one of reasons that it is sometimes difficult for organizations to properly manage workplace diversity. I’ve personally seen how workplace diversity can help companies get the most out of its human resource. A few years ago I worked in a medium size company whose corporate culture took advantage of workplace diversity. There were a few hundred employees in the company which included more than 50 international employees. The human resource department recruited through the internet professionals from all over the world. The company offered very good relocation incentive packages and paid these foreign employees 10-25% more than what the industry paid employees of similar educational and work experiences. One of the reasons the company hired so many international workers was for the insight these people could provide which in turn was utilize to determine the best locations for corporate expansion. The company utilized multiple communication factors in their dealings with international employees. The interpersonal relationships among the entire staff were a motivating factor

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ancient Egypt Essay Example for Free

Ancient Egypt Essay When one thinks of â€Å"mummification,† what would immediately come into mind is Ancient Egypt. But according to archaeologists, they discovered that this process is also being practiced in other places such as China and even in the among the tribes in Alaska though they are not identical to that of the Egyptians whose method is more commonly known (Monet). Compared to the other methods which appear to be very simple in terms of process or procedures such as simply putting the corpse in cold or airtight places, the Egyptian method is considered the most elaborate which is still shrouded and mystery as to how the process is exactly conducted. The only way to get an idea on how it was done is to examine the remains for pathological purposes as well as a smattering of surviving texts that have been found (Monet; David 383-384). Egyptian mumification is a two-step process that entailed embalming which made use of chemicals to preserve the remains for a longer duration of time. The second process is wrapping the corpse with layers of linen bandages for the purpose of maintaining its shape through the passage of time (Monet; David 385). Archaeologists are amazed on how â€Å"sophisticated† Egyptians were in developing the technology to make a body â€Å"live forever† and had exceeded their expectations. If there is a reasonable conclusion to this topic, the Egyptians made a significant contribution to modern civilization with this process. While it may be impractical for people to preserve the remains of the decased in this day and age, the practice still has benefits in terms of slowing decomposition and no attempt is made to duplicate the exact methods used. Works Cited David, A. Rosalie, Mummification. Nicholson, Paul T. , and Ian Shaw, eds. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Monet, Jefferson. An Overview of Mummification in Ancient Egypt. 1996. Tour Egypt. Net. 21 Aug. 2010 http://www. touregypt. net/featurestories/mummification. htm.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Television Overexposure and ADHD: Is there a connection? :: Essays Papers

Television Overexposure and ADHD: Is there a connection? It is an urban myth that an overexposure to watching television may cause people to develop Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). My purpose is to study this theory to discover if it is accurate. I am also interested in discovering how ADHD plays a role in education. Before I can begin I have to start by researching what ADHD is. ADHD is a disorder among people that is associated with three main symptoms which are poor sustained attention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Along with these three main topics, three subtypes have also been identified in the forms of being predominately inattentive, predominately hyperactive-impulsive, and combined types (Barkley). Where does ADHD occur? Out of the childhood population 4-12% have ADHD (Clayton). Along with that percentage boys can be found outweighing girls in a ratio of 3:1. ADHD can continue on into a person’s adolescence stage in 50-80% of clinically diagnosed case and into adulthood in 30-50% of these same cases (Barkley). How can someone determine if their child or children have ADHD? ADHD is most likely evaluated through diagnostic interviews with the child, their parents, and the child’s tearcher(s). Other evaluations are behavior rating scales completed by both the parents and the teacher(s), direct observations of the students’ school behavior, and clinic based testing (Anastopoulos). There are many different methods as to how ADHD is treated. Some examples are couneling and behavior management training for the parents, family, and teacher. The are also special education resources available in order to help children with ADHD. Another alternative for parents is to have a professional prescribe psychoactive medications for their child or children to improve their behavior (Barkley). The most effective type of medication found for ADHD are stimulants. Different medications work differently on many people and it is important to work with a professional to decide which prescription is right for you. In some cases the use of stimulant psychoactive medication dramatically reduces hyperactive and impulsive behaviors, im proves focus, and has even improved physical coordination (Attention).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Health Insurance Essay

For someone like me who has no health insurance it is very hard to keep up with my healthcare, but with the new health care laws that are coming about it may be a little easier for people to stay healthy. Thesis: Healthcare is a very important part of life, it keeps people healthy, but is also non-affordable if you do not have any health insurance. A. Why is healthcare important? Longer more productive living for one To ensure a healthy body, a healthy workplace, a healthy community, and a healthy nation Community is protected from contagious disease and the loss of tax revenue from illness Our national security is threatened when our nation suffers from a lack of good health B. What has been done to improve the cost of healthcare? The Affordable Care Act (been the â€Å"the law of the land† for almost three years. Employer based coverage Companies with more than fifty employees are required to offer health insurance or pay a fine With obamacare, policies will still be regulated by the states, but the policies are required to provide minimal essential benefits, such as mental health and maternity coverage Insurance is â€Å"guaranteed issue†, meaning you cannot be turned down no matter what illness you have in your past. C. The price of healthcare. Price is determined by only four criteria Age, premium rating area, number of family members getting coverage, and tobacco use. Starting October 13,2013 you will have the ability to shop for these new individual policies on a health coverage exchange. Conclusion: As I have pointed out it takes a lot to have and keep health coverage in today’s world, but also as you can see there are some things that are coming about to make it a little easier. The new healthcare laws are just the first step in improving are healthcare system. Even though the system still has a very long road ahead of them at least it is being recognized in some way shape or form. References WWW. answers. yahoo. com/questions/index? WWW. forbes. com/sites/carolynmcclanahan/2013/03/03/obamacare-is-around-the-corner-where-will-you-buy-health-insurance-and-what-will-it-cost.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Baby boom Critique

â€Å"Baby Boom†, is a heartfelt and comical movie in one. J. C. Wiatt played by (Diane Keaton), is a woman of a fast paced lifestyle dedicated to her profession working 75-80 hours a week. J. C has no time to spare for her personal or romantic life, or relaxation time for that matter with her schedule. (The film shows J. C. and her live-in mate, played by Harold Ram's, grudgingly allocating four minutes for sex one evening before going right back to their reading (â€Å"Movie Review – Baby Boom – Film: ‘Baby Boom' – NYTimes. com†, n. d. ).This movie goes from a career driven women who scared everyone, to a mother in the country who now shows fear. J. C. Wiatt is a workaholic whose sole focus in life is her Job, until she is faced with a very hard decision, work or motherhood. Attachment theory is clearly shown in this film between J. C, and Elizabeth the baby she inherited from her cousins who died in England. Attachment Oohn Bowlby, 1969), i s the strong affectionate tie we have with special people in our lives that leads us to feel pleasure when we interact with them and to be comforted by their nearness in times of stress (Berk, pg. 9). Ethological theory of attachment, which recognizes the infant's emotional tie to the caregiver as an evolved response that promotes survival, is the most widely accepted view by John Bowlby (Berk, pg. 150). Elizabeth expresses attachment theory when she is separated from J. C on several occasions, such as when Harold Ramis comes home and Elizabeth is fearful (stranger to her). Also, when J. C leaves her at the coat check-in and offers the attendant a large tip to keep her quiet for one hour, Elizabeth did not settle and cried until J. C was in sight again and held her.J. C shows clear and obvious ties to attachment theory as well. J. C never expected to take on the parenting role, she had plans on becoming partner in her company she was employed at and devoting more of her time that sh e barely had already. Once left with Elizabeth at the airport with no other chose, but to keep her until she could make arrangements and put her up for adoption. However, she now had to keep Elizabeth for two days before the adoption would take place. She had no clue how to raise or tend to an infant this was no easy task for J.C. Few examples of being clueless, resorted to using tape to keep iaper on when she failed on â€Å"several† attempts, gave her a bowl of linguine to eat, which let to a huge mess, as well as spraying the infant with cleaning solution. However, things did start to improve and she was catching on to some reassuring attemp ts that wor ed. k During this time Elizabeth got sick and J C started to master some of the parenting skills she never thought she would. She took babys temperature and gave her medicine to bring down her fever. J. C. aced the hallway back and forth to comfort Elizabeth while she tried to calm and fall asleep. J. C. slept ith Elizabeth and stayed near her to make her feel safe â€Å"secure base†. This serves as an internal working model, or set of expectations about the availability of attachment fgures and their likelihood of providing support during times of stress (Berk, pg. 150). After these two days together, waiting the adoption day J. C. and Elizabeth developed a strong emotional tie (attachment). The day comes to give Elizabeth up for adoption J.C and she shows empathy now that its time to say goodbye. The adoptive parents did not seem right for Elizabeth, J. C. says goodbye as Elizabeth is crying and leaves. She made it maybe ten paces away from the door before she turned around and forfeited the adoption, she became to attached to Elizabeth and developed the emotional bond of needing to keep her safe and look after her herself, not some strangers! She tried to balance her work and keeping Elizabeth, but it was tough ad she was very insecure with any babysitter/nanny she left Elizabeth with.She wa s a nervous wreck and found it very hard to leave Elizabeth for long periods now. She made a huge decision and left her cozy high paying Job, packed up and moved to Vermont (in the country). There was no plan other than to spend time with Elizabeth and raise her in a more laidback, slow paced life style. This is were a lot of the comical parts of the movie took place, because J. C. was a city girl, and each day was a new challenge and accomplishment. J. C. started making applesauce from her harvest of apples on her land, which turned out to a booming baby food business.Now, she has an offer to be back part of the city life and make millions to sell her baby food business. J. C. finds this so exciting and cant wait to meet with the company and work out a package, as she is in the building where she orked prior, in the bathroom looking in the mirror, repeats â€Å"I'm back, I'm back. However, as she heads back towards the conference room to give her decision, she see's everyone racin g frantically and are remembering what she will give up with this decision.J. C runs her business at her pace, around her schedule, is her own boss, has a crib and a mobile in her office in Vermont, where Elizabeth is apart of her day the whole while. She turns down the millions of dollars and the city life she once loved, all for Elizabeth she was extremely attached and she had new priorities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

buy custom Guns Law essay

buy custom Guns Law essay Introduction There are several laws that pertains to the owning of a gun by a civilian in the United States of America. These guns laws are intended at enhancing peace, harmony and security amongst the American citizens, the laws helps the government in keeping a close registration and monitoring of the individuals who have these weapons and how the individuals are using them. The present Gun law has undergone through several amendments in the past in attempts aimed at restricting the numbers of guns that get their ways into the streets and into the hands of dangerous criminals, discharged military officials and criminal fugitives. This is because they will use the guns in threatening / endangering the citizens security, freedom and peace in the country. Each state in the United States of America has its own gun laws that help the state in governing the ownership and transportation of guns in these states (Kluin, Para.11). The law allows guns to be owned by individuals that are above 18 years old and have to purchase the guns from the registered dealers and the purchase should be documented in federal form 4473 in order to ensure that the purchaser of the weapon is well known. This will reduce the cases of criminal activities in the county and at the same time help the government knows the exact numbers of firearms owned by civilians (O'Leary, para.5). I tend to disagree with the Current Gun Law; this is because it isnt that adequate to American citizens. The law doesnt provide the American citizens with utmost security they require, but it instead exposes them to a lot of insecurity as a result of the strictness of the Gun Law that is biased on one side thus reducing the numbers of guns that are in the hands of the Citizens. At the same time providing different avenues in which the criminals are able to get access to these firearms that they will use to conduct there activities (Lott, para.2). The present Gun Law is not appreciated with the Americans this is because it has some shortcomings that make it fail in conducting its duties they include the restriction of the age limit of an individual to own a gun. Another reason that fails the law checking the family background and place of residence of an applicant, the law has also banned the use or owning of certain hand guns, the laws also denies the normal citizens their constitutional right of self protection. The law also prevents the exhibitions and sale of guns through the use of guns shows that are aired on the Television channels. The main discussion The present gun law can be seen as the cause that has resulted to an increase in the crime cases that are being reported in the United States of America today. This is because the laws that are intended to protect the innocent American citizens ends up harming them as the laws are very strict and at the same time they tend to deny a lot of Americans who are eligible to own a hand gun with the opportunity of owning one. Thus denying them the access of owning the guns that the will use for self defense and protect themselves incase they are attacked (O'Leary, para.2). The law has failed in providing the American citizens with the necessary protection this is because it has strictly maintained at applying strict measures that are necessary for one to own a hand gun; while ignoring certain factors that will help in providing the Americans with the necessary security they will require in order to engage in their daily activities. This is without being exposed to any insecurty of being casualties in the case of gun shootings or attacks (Booth, para.6). According to a scholar John R Lott in his book tilted More Guns Less Crime he stated that the strictness of the present law will deny the criminals the opportunity of purchasing the guns in the legally known stores. This is because they will be afraid that their details will be taken and stored in a data base that will make it easy for them to be tracked down incase they are involved ion a criminal act (Lott, para.4). But this will not stop them in obtaining these weapons from different avenues that includes theft and other dubious means. From his own observation he has stated that the guns should be sold to every body that is wiling to own one without strictly scrutinizing individuals. This will ensure that the citizens are safe as compared to what the case is today as this leads us to the section where there is evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the present Gun Law and later on in the paper there are the recommended changes that are supposed to be done on the present law in order to ensure that the law best serves the Americans. The advantages of the present Gun Law From my observation I have concluded that the present Gun Law has got little advantage that it offers to the American citizens as compared to the disadvantages. The main advantage that the law has is the controlling the numbers of the hand guns that are owned by the normal citizens, this will basically reduce the numbers of guns in circulation. Thus providing a given section of the Americans with the opportunity of owning the guns this to some extent tends to ensure that there is security in the country (Booth, para.5). The other advantage is when the law has provided as restricted age limit where one is eligible to own a gun and the recommended time for one to own a gun is when one is 18 years and over. At the age of 18 years an individual is mature and is able to make appropriate decisions. The strictness nature of the gun law has also made it difficult for the criminals to easily access these weapons (Kluin, Para.15). This is when there are a lot of details that are disclosed to the licensed dealer when purchasing the guns and thus making it hard for the people with past criminal records to purchase the guns for their own or public safety. The disadvantages of the present Gun Law The law tends to deny the Americans the freedom to practice there constitution rights, this is when the law tends to scrutinize an individual before he is given or denied the permit of owning a gun. This is by looking at an individual past background and place of residence this will provide people from less privileged backgrounds the opportunity of owning a gun as a result of their background (O'Leary, para.9). The strict gun law has also increased to insecurity in the society this is because the criminals prey on the civilians with these guns in attempts aimed at stealing the Guns they are denied the opportunity of owning legally. The laws that are aimed at banning the use and owning some types of guns have made the numbers of the guns in circulation in the country to reduce drastically. Thus denying a lot of eligible American the opportunity of owning there own guns thus making them more vulnerable to attacks by the armed criminals (Booth, para.3). Ways of improving the Present Guns Law There are several stakeholders in this department that have indicated that the present Gun possession Laww is good, but it is failing in providing the Americans with the relevant protections because some aspects are left out without being taken into considerations. They have argued that the government has failed in amending this law in order to accommodate all the people that want to own guns without being denied the opportunity of doing. At the same time ensure that there is a reduction of the reported cases of criminal attacks on the few innocent civilians that own the guns; it will also help in reducing the cases of guns that are lost through theft and hijacking (Lott, para.3). The law that is in use the moment is seen as the strictest amongst the other countries in the world. But according to a recently conducted sturdy it is indicated that countries with strict rules will record a lot of criminal activities and killings that involve the use of Guns as compared to other countries with less strict Gun possession laws. A great example was in England which had strict rules that pertained to owning of hand Guns and fire arms; but despite these strict rules the country recorded an increase in the usage of the guns in homicides and criminal activities. The strict nature of these Gun possession law will provide a booming business for illegal gun dealers who will opt to sell the guns to the criminals and the willing citizens at extremely high prices (Booth, par 3). This will to some extent deny the country the income tax from the purchase of these weapons. This at the same time will also deny the government with the vital information of the gun owner and thus make it easy for the criminals and civilians with the opportunity of misusing the weapons. This is by indulging in a criminal act without the fear of being tracked down. The other reason for amending the Gun Possession law will ensure that all the American citizens practice their constitutional rights without being restricted the opportunity of invading in their constitutional rights. There were several checks that were being conducted before an individual is issued the license of owning a hand gun; some of these laws bared some American citizens who were eligible were denied the license just because of their family background or even the place of residence (Kluin, Para.15). The laws should be amended in order to ensure that only people with criminal records and emotional/ mental problems are unable to own these weapons, and not an individuals family background or place of residence. The government should also lift the ban on other guns that includes semi-automatic handguns and assault weapons and at the same time provide the citizens with the legal right of owning a concealed weapon. This is seen as way that will increase the levels of insecurity in the streets but it will drastically reduce the cases of insecurity in the streets; this is because all the criminals will be afraid of attacking their assailants who might be carrying guns thus reducing the cases of crimes in there respective towns and cities (O'Leary, para.7). In conclusion the present Gun possession law is very strict and it can be sighted as the cause of insecurity in our society today; this is because it has denied the eligible citizens to poses guns for self defense against the criminals. It is argued that with a gun a weaker victim will become stronger and able to defend him/ herself incase of an attack by a criminal; thus keeping the criminal at bay and can harm them. But with the strict nature of the criminal activities are on the rise the government should conduct some changes in order to change the current situation (Booth, para.10). Buy custom Guns Law essay