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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Conference and Event Evaluation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Meeting and Event Evaluation Report - Essay Example The proverb of the office is to give better data and information to people in general to improve the wellbeing and expectations for everyday comforts of the general population. AIHW is a legal power and is liable to the Parliament and works under the arrangement of Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Act 1987. The AIHW makes an intricate national wellbeing report like clockwork which contains a wide scope of data about wellbeing administrations, injury, infections and wellbeing work power. This time the AIHW’s report discharge and gathering fell around the same time which is 23rd of June 2010. As indicated by AIHW(2010)â€Å"At the pre-gathering supper, 2010 Australian of the Year, Professor Patrick McGorry portrayed his work in the field of psychological well-being and specifically the predominance of dysfunctional behavior among youthful people†. The center purpose of the gathering was that the AIHW ought to make a straightforwardness inside the medicinal servi ces framework to make the strategy increasingly far reaching for the open Literature Review: Australia Health Conference 2010 Australia is evaluated as one the most advantageous countries on the planet and their wellbeing mindfulness is of high caliber when contrasted with other created country. The nation was evaluated at third situation for the future rate and wellbeing remainder among the created nations. At the gathering were available different wellbeing specialists, high positioned authorities of the country and media people to outline the wellbeing and government assistance plan of the body. As indicated by AIHW (2010)â€Å"Launching the report, Minister Roxon said Australia’s Health 2010 was ‘a entirely important investigation of where we are as a country, what we're progressing nicely, where we have to get our game and the patterns demonstrating us the dangers on the skylines that obviously any savvy government will design for†. During the gathering, it was comprehended that the passing rate and significant medical issues, for example, cardiovascular illness, lung sickness, asthma, malignant growth and wounds were diminishing .The report of the AIHW indicated that the soundness of the residents of Australia was truly improving and there is more space for the nation to create in wellbeing division. Be that as it may, the gathering likewise featured on the way that the nation needs to concentrate on specific zones of concern like corpulence and diabetes.As per AGDHA(2010)â€Å"For the first run through since 1995 the 2007-08 National Health Survey (NHS) has estimated the tallness, weight, hip and midriff periphery of respondents matured 5 years or more. Results from this study uncover that in 2007-08, 61.4% of the Australian populace are either overweight or obese†The wellbeing report of the AIHW shows that there can achieve significant change in the corpulence and overweight issues by realizing change in the way of life of A ustralian resident. The way of life of an individual incorporates their food propensities, physical movement, liquor utilization and smoking propensities. As per the AIHW, the diabetes is one of the primary issues common among Australians which needs desperate consideration. Another significant issue which was feature in the gathering was the pervasiveness of mental issue among youthful age of Australia. AIHW(2010)states thatâ€Å"An assessed 1 of every 4 youngsters had encountered an emotional wellness issue in the a year prior to the surveyâ€a higher extent than some other age gathering. Also, in the assessments of ailment trouble for 2010, mental clutters
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Effects of Teenage Pregnancy essays
Impacts of Teenage Pregnancy papers The significant level of adolescent births keeps on making various issues for social administrations, guardians and the general population on the loose. Toward the start of another century, diminishing adolescent childbearing stays a test to social researchers, specialist co-ops and open authorities. An association named, The National Campaign to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy, have given measurements recorded on the web. The examination is separated by singular states also. The general discoveries inidicate that birth rates have dcreased in the United States all in all , for six back to back years, (1992-1997). In 1997, the high school birth rate was 52.9% births per 1000 females ages 15-19. The year 1997, is the latest year for which information is accessible. This rate speaks to a siginificant 15% abatement since 1991. Althugh, the 1997 adolescent birth rate is as yet higher than the 1986 pace of 50.2%, the most reduced in the greater part a century. With an end goal to focus on a lowe r rate in young pregnancy, the exploration from the accompanying psycholgists and creators giving important data; can give an away from of what stays to be done in the social, political and programs field. In a review finished in the Illinois High Schools, Grades 9-12, 1995) understudies were posed the accompanying inquiries in regards to sexual action and contaceptive use. first Question Have you at any point had sex? The study demonstrated 46% females and 51% guys said yes. A liitle over half of those understudies didn't utilize any type of prophylactic. (TNCTPTP) Every 31 seconds, a pre-adult becomes pregnant and at regular intervals one conceives an offspring in the United States The United States adolsecent birth rates is the most noteworthy among western Countries and around one million adolescents under 18 years old got pregnant. (Solid and Zabin , 1991) Those statitics are alarming, yet the more imporant measurement is just shy of half ... <!
Friday, August 7, 2020
Lets level the playing field for SAT prep
Let’s level the playing field for SAT prep From founder Sal Khan: I’m excited to share some very important news: The College Board just announced that they’re redesigning the SAT for 2016, and we’re partnering with them to make free, world-class prep materials. Our goal is nothing short of leveling the playing field, and we intend, with the deep expertise of the College Board behind us, to make the very best preparation for the SAT. This will be far more than just videos; it will be sophisticated, interactive software to give students deep practice and diagnose their gaps. This means that for the first time ever, all students who want to go to college can prepare for the SAT at their own pace, at absolutely no cost. Unlike other test prep, the resources on Khan Academy will be developed through a close collaboration with the authors of the SAT themselves. With this partnership, our goal is to ensure that students have a deep grasp of underlying fundamentals so they can succeed on the SAT, in college, and beyond. I recently chatted with David Coleman, CEO of the College Board, about why they redesigned the SAT and decided to work with Khan Academy to make prep materials open and free. Check out our conversation and other information about the partnership: What does this mean? By spring 2015, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art learning toolsexercises, software diagnostics and videosdesigned by Khan Academy and College Board specifically for the redesigned SAT. Stay tuned. In the meantime, if you are taking the SAT in 2014/15, you can start practicing today with hundreds of unreleased Math, Reading, and Writing questions from real SATs and more than 200 videos that show step-by-step solutions to each question. Onward!-Sal
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Bungalow Craze in the US - 1148 Words
The Bungalow Craze The bungalow style was a major influence in the drastic change of American society and how people lived. It influenced a major shift in gender role of women in society, creating easier housekeeping techniques and greater employment and career opportunities for women by confronting economic and social issues in society using domestic architecture. The simpler home design expressed many tensions of Progressivism in attempting to solve social issues of the time. The transformation brought about new ideas as well as fears that had to be confronted. The spread of factories from the industrial age left anxiety concerning the loss of independence and masculinity. The middle class population was becoming salaried workers, loosing economic and moral independence. The Progressive Era had created a deep desire to reshape institutions and values as well as faith to reform the people. At the same time, the Arts and Crafts Movement grew in response to the spread of factories. It drew inspiration from John Rustic, an Oxford artist, who believed that machines were robbing people of the creativity and pleasure of work situations. The bungalow design was influenced by a variety of social and economic trends that expanded the middle class and became a powerful means of transformation in American society. Arts and Crafts promoters associated the bungalow design with creative manual work, independence, and a way to return to manhood of common work practices. The bungalowShow MoreRelatedUnit 21 Task 26958 Words  | 28 Pagesreligions have lent which is a period of time when you give up a certain food, this is a dietary habit. The media is a big influence on peoples dietary and eating habits, in the media their always showing the latest celebrity diet or the new exercise craze, this will influence young teenage girls or even all people of all ages. Some young girls may try the new diet because they have a distorted image of themselves and see the need to slim down even though this can be unhealthy for them as they are still
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Ethanol Production - How is Ethanol Made
Ethanol can be made from any crop or plant that contains a large amount of sugar or components that can be converted into sugar, such as starch or cellulose. Starch vs Cellulose Sugar beets and sugar cane can be have their sugars extracted and processed. Crops such as corn, wheat and barley contain starch that can be easily converted to sugar, then made into ethanol. Most of the US production of ethanol is from starch, and almost all of the starch-based ethanol is made from corn grown in Midwest states. Trees and grasses have much of their sugars locked up in a fibrous material called cellulose, which can be broken down into sugars and made into ethanol. By-products of forestry operations can be used for cellulosic ethanol: sawdust, wood chips, branches. Crop residues can also be used, such as corn cobs, corn leaves, or rice stems. Some crops can be grown specifically to make cellulosic ethanol, most notably switchgrass. Sources of cellulosic ethanol are not edible, which means that the production of ethanol does not come into direct competition with the use of crops for food or livestock feed. The Milling Process Most ethanol is produced using a four-step process: The ethanol feedstock (crops or plants) are ground up for easier processing;Sugar is dissolved from the ground material, or the starch or cellulose is converted into sugar. This is done through a cooking process.Microbes such as yeast or bacteria feed on the sugar, producing ethanol in a process called fermentation, essentially the same way beer and wine are made. Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of this fermentation;The ethanol is distilled to achieve a high concentration. Gasoline or another additive is added so it cannot be consumed by humans - a process called denaturation. This way, the ethanol also avoids a tax on beverage alcohol. The spent corn is a waste product called distillers grain. Fortunately it is valuable as feed for livestock such as cattle, hogs, and poultry. It is also possible to produce ethanol through a wet-milling process, which is used by many large producers. This process involves a steeping period after which the grain germ, oil, starch, and gluten are all separated and further processed into many useful byproducts. High-fructose corn syrup is one of them and is used as a sweetener in many prepared foods. Corn oil is refined and sold. Gluten is also extracted during the wet milling process and is sold as a feed additive for cattle, hogs, and poultry. A Growing Production The United States leads globally in ethanol production, followed by Brazil. Domestic production in the US leaped from 3.4 billion gallons in 2004 to 14.8 billion in 2015. That year, 844 million gallons were exported out of the U.S., mostly to Canada, Brazil, and the Philippines. It is no surprise that ethanol plants are located where corn is grown. Much of the Uniteds States fuel ethanol is produced in the Midwest, with numerous plants in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. From there it is shipped by truck or by train to markets on the West and East coasts. Plans are underway for a dedicated pipeline to ship ethanol from Iowa to New Jersey. Source Department of Energy. Alternative Fuels Data Center. Edited by Frederic Beaudry.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nonverbal Communication Free Essays
Introduction The saying goes, â€Å"Look into a person’s eyes, and you will see their soul. †But what is it about the eyes that hold so much? Why do the eyes embrace so much emotion, so many feelings? The eyes, along with other body aspects, are able to communicate to people in ways our words cannot, for â€Å"eye contact is an invitation to communicate. If you look directly into a person’s eyes, [†¦] they will respond in some manner†(Andersen, 2004). We will write a custom essay sample on Nonverbal Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now Albert Mehrabian (1967) stated that 55% of communication is body language, 38% of communication is tonality, and 7% of communication is the actual words that are spoken (Misunderstanding Section, line 2). Altogether, 93% of communication is unspoken words – what we use to give or withhold meaning from our words. Communication is a complicated, ongoing process of sending and receiving messages. These messages provide both implicit and explicit interpretations depending on the synchrony between the spoken word and the body language associated with it. Body language is defined as â€Å"the gestures, movements, and mannerisms by which a person or animal communicates with others†(Merriam-Webster, 2011). Knowing 93% of communication lies in unspoken word, teachers must put forth an effort to communicate through their actions and tone of voice, â€Å"Teachers should be aware of nonverbal communication in the classroom for two basic reasons: to become better receivers of students’ messages and to gain the ability to send positive signals that reinforce students’ learning while simultaneously becoming more skilled at avoiding negative signals that stifle their learning†(Miller, 2005). Teachers need to be more concerned about their teaching-learning situations because â€Å"the pattern of behavior of the teacher affects the pattern of behavior of the learner†(Clark, 1978). With this, teachers must focus on changing the learner’s behavior by changing their own behavior. By paying attention to nonverbal communication, teachers can better manage their classroom and the learners in that environment. One major aspect of body language is eye contact, â€Å"When you fail to make eye contact with someone, you are treating her or him as a nonperson and inviting that person to not communicate†(Andersen, 2004, p. 6). Teachers know that students respond to how they treat them. Therefore, when they choose to interact with them, they can help regulate behaviors by maintaining eye contact. In fact, eye contact from the teacher is the most important nonverbal behavior, for â€Å"eye contact shows confidence, controls classroom interaction, and enables teachers to read the body language of their students. [†¦] Increasing [†¦] eye contact dramatically improves motivation in the learning process†(Andersen, 2004, p. 42). Review of Literature In 1507, Leonardo da Vinci revealed his now legendary painting Mona Lisa. Studied by many and known by all, this painting was the first study to look at body language. It intrigues so many people because the painting is so complex, just like body language. The most interesting aspect of this painting is Mona’s smile. This smile portrays more than just one emotion. In addition, Mona’s gaze follows the viewer no matter the angle she is viewed from. There are many meanings and emotions hidden in this picture and that is why it arguably is the best-known painting in the world (Riding, 2005, lines 4-6). In his book, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin (1872) looked at how our emotions express our feelings and thoughts. Through his many studies, Darwin was able to prove that our expressions of emotions portray more than words. Darwin studied the eyes, nose, arms, voice, and many other body features in order to verify a correlation between body language and others’ perceptions. Often, our facial features correlate with our tone of voice in order to express a certain feeling, â€Å"The pitch of the voice bears some relation to certain states of feeling is tolerably clear†(Darwin, 1872, p. 03). This being true, one can easily sense another’s emotion, such as high spirits, by simply focusing on the unspoken word: A [person] in high spirits, though [he/she] may not actually smile, commonly exhibits some tendency to the retraction of the corners of his mouth. From the excitement of pleasure, the circulation becomes more rapid; the eyes are bright, and the colour of the face rises. The brain, being stimulated by the increased flow of blood, reacts on the mental powers; lively ideas pass still more rapidly through the mind, and the affections are warmed (Darwin, 1872, p. 696-697). Darwin claims that our emotions are intricately intertwined with our whole body. Our emotions, mind, and body work as one to send signals to other people. People use body language to help drive interaction and keep others engaged. But what happens when our body language is not the same â€Å"language†as someone from another country? This poses a problem not only in society but in classrooms as well. Teachers are being asked more and more to create an atmosphere of inclusivity in order to accommodate for diverse populations including gender, ethnicity, religion, and ability. Debra Pitton et. al. 1993) stated teachers have a responsibility to provide the best possible educational experience day to day and this experience must include body language for many reasons: By incorporating the study of nonverbal messages into pre-service studies, teachers will more readily be able to help students become cognizant of culture, ethnicity, and gender as important variables in everyday lif e. This will also help students, as they will benefit from an increased appreciation of diversity when they assume their future roles as parents, teachers, community leaders, co-workers, employers, and citizens. An inclusive education should facilitate the changes in climate necessary to ensure ongoing change, and knowledge of culturally specific nonverbal communication patterns can enhance this process (p. 2). Teachers’ goals are to help their students be active participants in their community and in society. In order to do so, students must be able to understand verbal and nonverbal communication signals as they relate from one person and one context to the next. Nonverbal relates to the unspoken word and a means to send messages that are â€Å"not sanctioned for verbal delivery by our culture†(Wiemann, 1975). As humans, we have a particular strength to respond quickly and unconsciously pick up clues to other’s nonverbal behavior so that we can respond and react; however, we are culture-bound in what we see and can interpret those behaviors incorrectly depending on our background and experiences (Cohen, 1971). Nonverbal behavior is difficult to control or to censor. Nonverbal behavior comes naturally to an individual based on true emotions, feelings, and culture – it is less likely to be deceptive as verbal communication can be (Galloway, 1993). With this, there seems to be a necessity for teachers to have complete control over their nonverbal behaviors in order to communicate to their students effectively. Students read more from their teacher’s body language than they do their actual words. In fact, most teachers â€Å"are not aware of the ways in which they transmit nonverbal messages to pupils. Classroom culture has its own nonverbal language and pupils absorb its nuances along with the spoken language†(Spanjer, 1972). Peter Andersen (2004) claims immediacy behaviors, hich â€Å"signal approach and availability, and send warm, stimulating messages to other people,†help teachers develop a positive relationship with their students. Some immediacy behaviors include touching, smiling, nodding, facing others, showing relaxation, leaning toward others, and synchronizing our conversations; however, in the classroom, the most important immediacy behavior is eye contact, â€Å"Teacher eye contact shows con fidence, controls classroom interaction, and enables teachers to read the body language of their students†(Andersen, 2004). Being able to read body language gives teachers an advantage at recognizing their students’ true emotions, enabling the teacher to be more effective on a minute-to-minute basis. By increasing immediacy behaviors, students’ motivation in the learning process dramatically improves (Andersen, 2004). Teachers need to be aware of immediacy behaviors, such as eye contact, in order to help their students’ succeed in the classroom and, ultimately, outside of the classroom. When it comes to motivating students to complete their work, nonverbal behavior is a prime factor in teacher effectiveness. Research studies [across K-college] found that learners at all levels reacted more favorably to teachers who used nonverbal immediacy cues. [†¦] Increasing immediacy behaviors dramatically improves students’ motivation†(Goman, 2008). Andersen (2004) concluded people trust body language over the spoken word (p. 14). People trust body language because it is spontaneous, multi-channeled, and possesses redundant qualities that make it very hard to completely fake (Andersen, 2004). This is applied in classrooms as well. Students rely on the teacher’s body language in order to interpret the meaning of their words; however, teachers are not well educated in the area of body language. No prerequisite courses are offered to teachers during their undergraduate/graduate years that help prepare them in nonverbal communication because it is still a largely unexplored area (Ligons, 1973). Teachers must be aware of nonverbal communication in their classrooms because â€Å"nonverbal communication is the medium through which relationships are maintained, regulated, and guided within culturally-prescribed patterns†(Grove, 1976). Focusing on professional success in the classroom is crucial, especially at a changing time in education’s history with the passing of the Budget Bill by Governor Walker, â€Å"At a time when it is widely recognized that professional success is achieved with or through other people, the power of, nd the need for, good interpersonal skills couldn’t be greater†(Goman, 2008). Method The examination underlying this paper is a better understanding of how adverse nonverbal behavior (in relation to the spoken word) will, ultimately, negatively impact students emotionally, behaviorally, and academically that teachers find as â€Å"problem students,†â€Å"different,†and/or â€Å"difficult. This investigation b egan with the articleThe Nonverbal Advantage (Goman, 2008) and the evidence of increasing student motivation and success in the classroom by changing behavior. Understanding the importance of body language in the classroom setting provided a pathway of inquiry related to immediacy behaviors, student motivation/success, and the classroom teacher of the 21st century. This included reviewing research and articles from different time periods, even dating back to the late 19th century. The information gathered proved the lack of current research existing in relation to nonverbal communication in a classroom setting; however, after reading multiple examples that verify the significance body language has in relation to student achievement, information regarding nonverbal behavior and its correlation to student motivation and achievement is imperative to know in order to progress not only certain classrooms but also schools as a whole. A short survey of nine multiple choice questions and one open-ended question (optional to answer) focused on teachers’ views of nonverbal behavior in the profession of teaching and working with children. The survey also provided information regarding their awareness of their own nonverbal behavior along with their thoughts on the ability to change their nonverbal behavior. The purpose of this research was to aid in providing valuable information to serve as a guide for teachers and administrators on how to change their behavior in order to change their students’ behavior and, ultimately, improve student achievement and motivation as well as schools’ success. How to cite Nonverbal Communication, Essay examples Nonverbal Communication Free Essays Nonverbal communication is a very large part of human communication behavior. The types of nonverbal communication can range from a simple smile to an obvious avoidance of eye contact, but each behavior carries a direct message that can be understood by all the individuals in a public communication situation. Nonverbal communication, for use in this analysis, is defined by Canary and Dindia (1998) as the form of communication that does not include words; messages expressed by nonlinguistic means, people s actions or attributes, including their use of objects, sounds, time and space, that have socially shared significance and stimulate meaning in others (Canary Dindia, 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Nonverbal Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nonverbal communication plays a role in all communication: it is impossible to communicate without sending out nonverbal clues. These clues help others determine the truth behind one’s words and their true feelings. Nonverbal communication is a powerful form of communication in that it expresses and reveals attitudes and attributes that may not be expressed by the words spoken. Through my own observation of a public communication situation, a set of rules for nonverbal communication for that situation was determined, yet it varied according to age and gender. Nonverbal communication rules may differ according to the situation. Sentence and Verbal Communication iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="0wHcXeKf9B" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Sentence and Verbal Communication#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe An individuals actions are different when riding on the subway than their actions when getting acquainted at the local pub. Actions when riding in an elevator may be perceived very differently when doing business at a post office. This analysis does not assume or argue that the rules for nonverbal communication are the same for every public communication situation. Rather, each situation has its own set of rules for nonverbal behavior, and the observation and experience of each situation determines its set of rules. How to cite Nonverbal Communication, Papers Nonverbal communication Free Essays pertains to the course of communication that involves the transfer and receipt of messages that are not related to the use of words (Knapp and Hall, 2007). The messages transferred to the listener are generally associated with body language, as well as gestures, posture, external appearance or clothing, facial manifestations and even hairstyles. Nonverbal communication is thus strongly influenced by visual messages which symbolize particular meanings to the listener. We will write a custom essay sample on Nonverbal communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now  Other paralanguage forms of nonverbal communication include the quality of the speaker’s voice and his style of speaking. It should be noted that any features related to stress and rhythm of the speaker’s voice may also influence how a listener receives a speaker’s message. In the workplace, nonverbal communications play an important role in the interactions among co-workers, as well as the interrelationship between supervisor and his subordinate. It is well known that the employees at a workplace need to work together and cooperate in order to achieve the status of a productive company. Cooperation and harmony are thus closely related to the trust and confidence of each employee to himself and to his co-workers and these factors are often influenced by both verbal and nonverbal communications among individuals in the workplace (Ottenheimer, 2007). It should be understood that even if the right phrases and words were expressed by an individual, the actual message of the spoken words and sentences are often changed by the accompanying nonverbal signals that the speaker is showing to the listener. These nonverbal signs may or may not be consciously being shown yet it is a fact that these nonverbal signs often modify the message that is sent out to the listener. a) In a meeting at my workplace, our supervisor was suggesting some changes to the organization and functioning of our small company. Changes in our company are not a common occurrence, hence there was some shock among the members of the workplace as soon as the supervisor mentioned about the plan of modifying particular functions of specific members of the office. I noticed that our supervisor was a bit uptight while he was proceeding to describe the changes that he would implement at the workplace. His voice was a bit hard and had a lower tone, which I usually do not hear during regular peaceful workdays. In addition, the supervisor was sweating in his forehead hence this gave me two impressions. Firstly, he was nervous, possibly because he knew that the topic he was discussing with the members of the workforce was not the best topic to talk about. Secondly, I felt that our supervisor was not sure about his plan and he just wants to try out this new plan in order to determine whether this plan is indeed the right action to perform in order to solve the problem. On the other hand, my co-workers were quiet while listening to our supervisor and there was not a single smile or voice from my co-workers. b) When our supervisor finished explaining his plan of changing specific functions of particular individuals in our workplace, there were contradictions that came from some members of the office. One co-worker asked why our supervisor came up with this plan. However, I also noticed that this particular co-worker gave out his question with a low voice, too, just the same as our supervisor and this low voice made me feel that our co-worker was not pleased and was actually upset over the changes that the supervisor was planning to implement. At this point, the supervisor tried to explain his side of the plan with a normal pitched voice and this made our co-worker listen and understand why such changes would be implemented in our workplace, and that is to increase the sales of the company. c) Nonverbal communications strongly influence the success or failure of communications because it provides additional senses and emotions to the messages that are being exchanged between individuals, including the sense of sight and even sound (Hargie and Dickson, 2004). For example, it is easier to talk to a person who speaks in a soft voice than deal with a person who speaks with a very loud voice. d) The use words in communication often involves meanings hence individuals should be careful with their choice of words because there a certain words that are linked to denotations or connotations. For example, if a co-worker calls a female co-worker a queen, this may either mean that she is very productive and knowledgeable at work, or this may mean that she is only good for bossing people around. Hence the use of words may be tricky and an individual should be cautious when describing specific individuals and issues at the workplace. e) An effective listening technique that may be employed by a manager is to carry an attentive facial expression while hearing out a subordinate’s message. In addition, a manager may also try to nod to the employee every now and then, in order to let the employee feel that he is welcome to express his ideas and concerns to his supervisor. The nodding of the manager does not mean that he agrees to everything that the subordinate says, but it means that he is listening to what the subordinate is saying. Conclusion: Nonverbal communication is generally associated with body language, gestures and posture as well as paralanguage forms that influence the success or failure of exchanges between individuals because it provides additional senses and emotions to the messages that are being sent out to other individuals. Nonverbal communications play an important role in the interactions among co-workers, as well as the interrelationship between supervisor and his subordinate because it positive communications promote cooperation and harmony between individuals. Reference Hargie O and Dickson D  (2004): Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory and practice. Hove: Routledge Publishers. Knapp ML and Hall JA (2007): Nonverbal communication in human interaction, 5th ed. Wadsworth: Thomas Learning. Ottenheimer HJ (2007): The anthropology of language: An introduction to linguistic anthropology, Kansas State: Thomson Wadsworth.         How to cite Nonverbal communication, Essay examples Nonverbal Communication Free Essays Introduction The saying goes, â€Å"Look into a person’s eyes, and you will see their soul. †But what is it about the eyes that hold so much? Why do the eyes embrace so much emotion, so many feelings? The eyes, along with other body aspects, are able to communicate to people in ways our words cannot, for â€Å"eye contact is an invitation to communicate. If you look directly into a person’s eyes, [†¦] they will respond in some manner†(Andersen, 2004). We will write a custom essay sample on Nonverbal Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now Albert Mehrabian (1967) stated that 55% of communication is body language, 38% of communication is tonality, and 7% of communication is the actual words that are spoken (Misunderstanding Section, line 2). Altogether, 93% of communication is unspoken words – what we use to give or withhold meaning from our words. Communication is a complicated, ongoing process of sending and receiving messages. These messages provide both implicit and explicit interpretations depending on the synchrony between the spoken word and the body language associated with it. Body language is defined as â€Å"the gestures, movements, and mannerisms by which a person or animal communicates with others†(Merriam-Webster, 2011). Knowing 93% of communication lies in unspoken word, teachers must put forth an effort to communicate through their actions and tone of voice, â€Å"Teachers should be aware of nonverbal communication in the classroom for two basic reasons: to become better receivers of students’ messages and to gain the ability to send positive signals that reinforce students’ learning while simultaneously becoming more skilled at avoiding negative signals that stifle their learning†(Miller, 2005). Teachers need to be more concerned about their teaching-learning situations because â€Å"the pattern of behavior of the teacher affects the pattern of behavior of the learner†(Clark, 1978). With this, teachers must focus on changing the learner’s behavior by changing their own behavior. By paying attention to nonverbal communication, teachers can better manage their classroom and the learners in that environment. One major aspect of body language is eye contact, â€Å"When you fail to make eye contact with someone, you are treating her or him as a nonperson and inviting that person to not communicate†(Andersen, 2004, p. 6). Teachers know that students respond to how they treat them. Therefore, when they choose to interact with them, they can help regulate behaviors by maintaining eye contact. In fact, eye contact from the teacher is the most important nonverbal behavior, for â€Å"eye contact shows confidence, controls classroom interaction, and enables teachers to read the body language of their students. [†¦] Increasing [†¦] eye contact dramatically improves motivation in the learning process†(Andersen, 2004, p. 42). Review of Literature In 1507, Leonardo da Vinci revealed his now legendary painting Mona Lisa. Sentence and Verbal Communication iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="w6DjlEi02R" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Sentence and Verbal Communication#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe Studied by many and known by all, this painting was the first study to look at body language. It intrigues so many people because the painting is so complex, just like body language. The most interesting aspect of this painting is Mona’s smile. This smile portrays more than just one emotion. In addition, Mona’s gaze follows the viewer no matter the angle she is viewed from. There are many meanings and emotions hidden in this picture and that is why it arguably is the best-known painting in the world (Riding, 2005, lines 4-6). In his book, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin (1872) looked at how our emotions express our feelings and thoughts. Through his many studies, Darwin was able to prove that our expressions of emotions portray more than words. Darwin studied the eyes, nose, arms, voice, and many other body features in order to verify a correlation between body language and others’ perceptions. Often, our facial features correlate with our tone of voice in order to express a certain feeling, â€Å"The pitch of the voice bears some relation to certain states of feeling is tolerably clear†(Darwin, 1872, p. 03). This being true, one can easily sense another’s emotion, such as high spirits, by simply focusing on the unspoken word: A [person] in high spirits, though [he/she] may not actually smile, commonly exhibits some tendency to the retraction of the corners of his mouth. From the excitement of pleasure, the circulation becomes more rapid; the eyes are bright, and the colour of the face rises. The brain, being stimulated by the increased flow of blood, reacts on the mental powers; lively ideas pass still more rapidly through the mind, and the affections are warmed (Darwin, 1872, p. 696-697). Darwin claims that our emotions are intricately intertwined with our whole body. Our emotions, mind, and body work as one to send signals to other people. People use body language to help drive interaction and keep others engaged. But what happens when our body language is not the same â€Å"language†as someone from another country? This poses a problem not only in society but in classrooms as well. Teachers are being asked more and more to create an atmosphere of inclusivity in order to accommodate for diverse populations including gender, ethnicity, religion, and ability. Debra Pitton et. al. 1993) stated teachers have a responsibility to provide the best possible educational experience day to day and this experience must include body language for many reasons: By incorporating the study of nonverbal messages into pre-service studies, teachers will more readily be able to help students become cognizant of culture, ethnicity, and gender as important variables in everyday lif e. This will also help students, as they will benefit from an increased appreciation of diversity when they assume their future roles as parents, teachers, community leaders, co-workers, employers, and citizens. An inclusive education should facilitate the changes in climate necessary to ensure ongoing change, and knowledge of culturally specific nonverbal communication patterns can enhance this process (p. 2). Teachers’ goals are to help their students be active participants in their community and in society. In order to do so, students must be able to understand verbal and nonverbal communication signals as they relate from one person and one context to the next. Nonverbal relates to the unspoken word and a means to send messages that are â€Å"not sanctioned for verbal delivery by our culture†(Wiemann, 1975). As humans, we have a particular strength to respond quickly and unconsciously pick up clues to other’s nonverbal behavior so that we can respond and react; however, we are culture-bound in what we see and can interpret those behaviors incorrectly depending on our background and experiences (Cohen, 1971). Nonverbal behavior is difficult to control or to censor. Nonverbal behavior comes naturally to an individual based on true emotions, feelings, and culture – it is less likely to be deceptive as verbal communication can be (Galloway, 1993). With this, there seems to be a necessity for teachers to have complete control over their nonverbal behaviors in order to communicate to their students effectively. Students read more from their teacher’s body language than they do their actual words. In fact, most teachers â€Å"are not aware of the ways in which they transmit nonverbal messages to pupils. Classroom culture has its own nonverbal language and pupils absorb its nuances along with the spoken language†(Spanjer, 1972). Peter Andersen (2004) claims immediacy behaviors, hich â€Å"signal approach and availability, and send warm, stimulating messages to other people,†help teachers develop a positive relationship with their students. Some immediacy behaviors include touching, smiling, nodding, facing others, showing relaxation, leaning toward others, and synchronizing our conversations; however, in the classroom, the most important immediacy behavior is eye contact, â€Å"Teacher eye contact shows con fidence, controls classroom interaction, and enables teachers to read the body language of their students†(Andersen, 2004). Being able to read body language gives teachers an advantage at recognizing their students’ true emotions, enabling the teacher to be more effective on a minute-to-minute basis. By increasing immediacy behaviors, students’ motivation in the learning process dramatically improves (Andersen, 2004). Teachers need to be aware of immediacy behaviors, such as eye contact, in order to help their students’ succeed in the classroom and, ultimately, outside of the classroom. When it comes to motivating students to complete their work, nonverbal behavior is a prime factor in teacher effectiveness. Research studies [across K-college] found that learners at all levels reacted more favorably to teachers who used nonverbal immediacy cues. [†¦] Increasing immediacy behaviors dramatically improves students’ motivation†(Goman, 2008). Andersen (2004) concluded people trust body language over the spoken word (p. 14). People trust body language because it is spontaneous, multi-channeled, and possesses redundant qualities that make it very hard to completely fake (Andersen, 2004). This is applied in classrooms as well. Students rely on the teacher’s body language in order to interpret the meaning of their words; however, teachers are not well educated in the area of body language. No prerequisite courses are offered to teachers during their undergraduate/graduate years that help prepare them in nonverbal communication because it is still a largely unexplored area (Ligons, 1973). Teachers must be aware of nonverbal communication in their classrooms because â€Å"nonverbal communication is the medium through which relationships are maintained, regulated, and guided within culturally-prescribed patterns†(Grove, 1976). Focusing on professional success in the classroom is crucial, especially at a changing time in education’s history with the passing of the Budget Bill by Governor Walker, â€Å"At a time when it is widely recognized that professional success is achieved with or through other people, the power of, nd the need for, good interpersonal skills couldn’t be greater†(Goman, 2008). Method The examination underlying this paper is a better understanding of how adverse nonverbal behavior (in relation to the spoken word) will, ultimately, negatively impact students emotionally, behaviorally, and academically that teachers find as â€Å"problem students,†â€Å"different,†and/or â€Å"difficult. This investigation b egan with the articleThe Nonverbal Advantage (Goman, 2008) and the evidence of increasing student motivation and success in the classroom by changing behavior. Understanding the importance of body language in the classroom setting provided a pathway of inquiry related to immediacy behaviors, student motivation/success, and the classroom teacher of the 21st century. This included reviewing research and articles from different time periods, even dating back to the late 19th century. The information gathered proved the lack of current research existing in relation to nonverbal communication in a classroom setting; however, after reading multiple examples that verify the significance body language has in relation to student achievement, information regarding nonverbal behavior and its correlation to student motivation and achievement is imperative to know in order to progress not only certain classrooms but also schools as a whole. A short survey of nine multiple choice questions and one open-ended question (optional to answer) focused on teachers’ views of nonverbal behavior in the profession of teaching and working with children. The survey also provided information regarding their awareness of their own nonverbal behavior along with their thoughts on the ability to change their nonverbal behavior. The purpose of this research was to aid in providing valuable information to serve as a guide for teachers and administrators on how to change their behavior in order to change their students’ behavior and, ultimately, improve student achievement and motivation as well as schools’ success. How to cite Nonverbal Communication, Papers Nonverbal Communication Free Essays Non verbal communication is all aspects of communication other than words themselves. It includes how we utter words (inflection, volume), features of environments that affect interaction (temperature, lightning), and objects that influence personal images and interaction patterns (dress, jewelry, furniture). Five key points highlight the power of nonverbal communication to affect meaning. We will write a custom essay sample on Nonverbal Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now Verbal and Nonverbal: Similar yet Different Non verbal communication and verbal communication are similar in some ways and different in others. We will identify both the similarities and the differences. Similarities Like verbal communication, nonverbal behavior is symbolic, which means it is ambiguous, abstract, and arbitrary. Thus, we can’t be sure what a smile or gesture means, and we can’t guarantee that others understand the meanings we intend to express with our own nonverbal behaviors. Also like verbal communication, our nonverbal communication behaviors are guided by constitutive and regulative rules. In the United States, a handshake counts as a proper way to greet business acquaintances. A third similarity between the two communication systems is that both are culture bound. Sentence and Verbal Communication iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="MK1DRAm9xs" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Sentence and Verbal Communication#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe Our nonverbal communication reflects and reproduces values and norms of the particular culture and social communities to which we belong. For instance, dress considered appropriate for women varies across cultures. Some women in the United States wear miniskirts, women in some other countries wear veils. Dress also reflects organizational identities: Bankers, attorneys, and many other professionals are expected to wear business suits or dresses, carpenters and plumbers usually wear jeans. Lastly both verbal and nonverbal communication may be either intentional or unintentional. Sometimes we carefully sculpt our appearance, just as we sometimes control our verbal communication. For instance, in a job interview we are highly conscious of our dress and posture as well as the words we use. At other times, our verbal and nonverbal communication may be unintentional. If the interviewer asks you a difficult question, your facial expression may reveal that you are caught off guard, or you may speak ungrammatically. * Differences Perceived as honest * Multichannel (seen, felt, heard, smelled and tasted) * Continuous * Regulates interaction Establishes relational level meanings- responsiveness, liking, power/defines relationships * Reflects cultural values Types of Nonverbal communication In this section, we will consider nine forms of nonverbal behavior, noticing how we use each to communicate. 1. Kinesics ( body language) 2. Haptics( touch) 3. Physical appearance 4. Artifacts 5. Proxemics ( space) 6. Environmental factors 7. Chronemics 8. Paralanguage ( vocal commu nication) 9. Silence In this presentation, we have explored the world beyond words. We learned that there are similarities and differences between nonverbal communication and verbal communication. Next, we noted that nonverbal communication supplements or replaces messages, regulates interaction, reflects and establishes relational level-level meanings, and expresses cultural membership. We discussed nine types of non verbal communication and each form of nonverbal communication reflects cultural understandings and values and also expresses our personal identities and feelings toward others. Because nonverbal communication, like verbal communication, is symbolic, it has no inherent, universal meaning. Instead, we construct meaning as we notice, organize, and interpret nonverbal behaviors. How to cite Nonverbal Communication, Papers Nonverbal Communication Free Essays Role, Importance Principles Kinesics Proximics Body Language Paralanguage Introduction to Nonverbal Communication Definition of nonverbal communication ([Malandro, Barker Barker 1989]): Nonverbal communication is the process by which nonverbal behaviours are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviours, in the exchange and interpretation of messages within a given situation or context. Classes of Nonverbal Communication ([Malandro, Barker Barker 1989]): 1. facial expression and eye behaviour . We will write a custom essay sample on Nonverbal Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now body movement and gestures 3. touching behaviour 4. voice characteristics and qualities 5. culture and time 6. environment 7. body types, shapes, and sizes 8. clothing and personal artifacts Functions of Nonverbal Communication ([Malandro, Barker Barker 1989]): A Complementing: adding extra information to the verbal message B Contradicting: when our nonverbal messages contradict our verbal messages C Repeating: used in order to emphasize or clarify the verbal message D Regulating: serves to coordinate the verbal dialogue between peopleE Substituting: occurs when a nonverbal message is transmitted in place of a verbal message F Accenting: emphasizing a particular point in a verbal message 4. 4. The role of emotional intelligence The ability of interpreting the meaning of the discourse, the messages that the speaker truly wanted to convey, does not only concern the notion of Intelligence Quotient, but also the Emotional Quotient. The Emotional Quotient stands for emotional intelligence. People who are emotionally intelligent know their strong points and weaknesses.They are able to motivate themselves and others in negative situations. They can work in teams, have leadership-capacities, a good management of time and resources, and most important, they can detect and understand their own as well as other peoples’ emotions. The Emotional Quotient and the Intelligence Quotient are two different notions. However, in the act of interpreting, they join together. Thus, the interpretive process is not only a rational, cognitive activity, but also involves emotions, which are associated with ideas.Of course, interpreters can vary in their abilities to interpret human behaviour. It can be said that sometimes they lack emotional intelligence. Though, considering that people are deeply influenced by psychological, social, cultural processes, by gender, ethnicity and age, as well as by the media, interpreters should be aware of the hidden, inner dynamics that influence behaviours. Those who are able to think critically and to investigate the behaviour of the speaker are able to ferret out the nature of those symbols. However, communicative behaviour can be studied and learned. Interpreters can become increasingly skilled at interpreting human behaviour simply by keen observation. Furthermore, the more interpreters are mindful and pay attention to details and nuances in behaviour, to gestures, intonation, facial expressions, and body signals, the more they will detect the true meanings of the speaker’s discourse. Principles of Nonverbal Communication By Francis Duffy, eHow Contributor updated: September 21, 2009 Reading a newspaper is easy compared to reading a person. Focus solely on a speaker’s words, though, and you will likely miss his real meaning.Accompanying eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture and positioning, voice characteristics, and physiological cues tell you so much more. These spontaneous, often unconscious, behaviors compliment, contradict or accentuate what people say. Eye Contact 1. Eye contact is the most direct form of nonverbal communication. How long or short the stare and how often or infrequently someone does it in the course of a conversation reveals a lot. Frank, trusting people stare directly at you. People who actively avoid eye contact make the opposite impression.Eyes rolled upward tell you someone is tired; eyes cast downward show that someone is reticent. Constantly shifting eyes suggest nervousness, while staring off into the distance can equate to boredom. Facial Expressions 2. Every time our facial muscles move naturally, a feeling momentarily ripples through us. When happy, we smile; when disappointed, we frown; when discontent, we pout; when impatient, we purse our lips; when surprised, we lift our eyebrows; when sad, we lower them; when scared, we tighten our cheeks; when angry, we jut our chins out; when amazed, we drop our jaw.We wear a bland, static expression among strangers, but show more vivid, animated ones among friends and family. Gestures, Posture, Positioning 3. By just watching the face, though, you miss many of the body’s other signals. The anger in a finger pointed accusingly and the rage in a clenched fist is unmistakable. Nail biting, hair tugging and leg tapping intensify the more anxious we feel. Sadness instinctively causes us to bow our heads and draw in our shoulders. Assertive personality-types gravitate toward the center of groups; passive ones stay more toward the fringe.But almost everyone feels ill at ease when a stranger stands too closely, invading someone’s â€Å"comfort zone. †Voice Characteristics 4. Body language is auditory as well as visual. Much can be learned about someone from how he speaks than from what she says. A simple laugh, shout, whine or sigh has the same meaning the world over. So ask yourself: is the pitch of the voice going up, down or monotone? Is it loud or soft-spoken? Is the pace of the speech rapid or slow, constant or changing? Does the speaker make meaningful pauses for effect or random ones to organize his thoughts?Changes in pitch, volume and pace bring home or cast doubt on the underlying meaning of the speaker’s words. So, listen as well as watch. Involuntary Signals 5. Humankind’s evolution has left us with a set of nonverbal reactions we have absolutely no control over. At times, simple biology asserts itself in the form of autonomous physiological responses. When embarrassed, we blush. When stressed out, we blink and swallow more frequently. When enraged, our nostrils flair out. When we feel sad or sentimental, our eyes moisten.When seized by terror, our breath grows labored and we may start trembling. Our skin turns pale and clammy when we receive unexpected bad news. Proxemics The American anthropologist Edward T. Hall who studied how gestures, posture, and other nonverbal signals were used by people to communicate their feelings and social status speaking distance developed proxemics, and other nonverbal signals were used by people to communicate their feelings and social status. People would feel uncomfortable putting most such information into words. But proxemics allows people to send and receive messages without the use of words. Kinesics Kinesics is the scientific study of the body movements involved in communication, especially as they accompany speech. These movements include gestures, facial expressions, eye behaviour, and posture. The movements studied by kinesics scientists are commonly called body language or nonverbal behaviour. The American anthropologist Ray L. Birdwhistell developed kinesics. He used slow-motion films of conversations to analyze the speakers’ behavior. Birdwhistell recognized that kinesics was only one of several overlapping systems that together made up human communication. He worked hard on the structure of body movement while other scientists studied the patterns of sound constituting language. He also believed that the meaning of any kinesics behaviour could be determined only by analyzing the context in which the behaviour occurred. Paralanguage refers to the non-verbal elements of communication used to modify meaning and convey emotion.Paralanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously, and it includes the pitch, volume, and, in some cases, intonation of speech. Sometimes the definition is restricted to vocally-produced sounds. The study of paralanguage is known asparalinguistics. The term ‘paralanguage’ is sometimes used as a cover term for body language, which is not necessarily tied to speech, and paralinguistic phenomena in speech. The latter are phenomena that can be observed in speech (Saussure’s parole) but that do not belong to the arbitrary conventional code of language (Saussure’s langue).The paralinguistic properties of speech play an important role in human speech communication. There are no utterances or speech signals that lack paralinguistic properties, since speech requires the presence of a voice that can be modulated. This voice must have some properties, and all the properties of a voice as such are paralinguistic. However, the distinction linguistic vs. paralinguistic applies not only to speech but to writing and sign language as well, and it is not bound to any sensory modality. Even vocal language has some paralinguistic as well as linguistic properties that can be seen (lip reading, McGurk effect), and even felt, e. g. by the Tadoma method. One can distinguish the following aspects of speech signals and perceived utterances: Perspectival aspects Speech signals that arrive at a listener’s ears have acoustic properties that may allow listeners to localize the speaker (distance, direction). Sound localization functions in a similar way also for non-speech sounds. The perspectival aspects of lip reading are more obvious and have more drastic effects when head turning is involved.Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals subconsciously. Borg attests that human communication consists of 93 percent body language and paralinguistic cues, while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves[1]; however, Albert Mehrabian, the researcher whose 1960s work is the source of these statistics, has stated that this is a misunderstanding of the findings[2] (see Misinterpretation of Mehrabian’s rule).Others assert that â€Å"Research has suggested that between 60 and 70 percent of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior. â€Å"[3] Body language may provide clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate aggression, attentiveness,boredom, relaxed state, pleasure, amusement, and intoxication, among many other cues. How to cite Nonverbal Communication, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
The Earliest Evidence For Life On Earth †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: What Is The Earliest Evidence For Life On Earth? Answer: Introducation Life on earth has been in existence since time immemorial based on plenty of evidences that are presented by scientists who in many occasions have devoted their energy to study about life on earth. Research done by most scientists indicate that the presence of life on earth is as old as man himself while others scientific studies suggest that life was not present so long. The presence of fossils is enough to prove the already existing evidence including some other organism bodies that are preserved in historic sites. Secondly, the planet atmosphere has been changing from time to time and this has had various impacts on the way of life. Every aspect should therefore put in consideration so as to make every study relating to astronomy to be completed management. Plenty of records presented by scientists are a sure prove for existence of life on earth. Discovering of fossil records is among the simplest ways utilized by scientists in their quest to collect proof regarding life existence on earth. It is normal for fossils to form on sedimentary rocks which are found beneath water body bed. Fewer organisms are conserved in the sediments when the organisms body decays prior to fossils inside the sedimentary rocks (Xu et al. 2017). At times, the organisms are formed on the rocks making it easy for the scientists to acquire the organisms complete bodies. Still however, some or the organisms may fail to be conserved in the sediments. In this case, scientists will have to gather bones and shells of the organisms which help in the understanding of traces of presence of life on earth. Dodd et al. (2017) suggest that finding fossils of organisms that exited long ago is a difficult task for most scientists. Studies have indicated that the Cambrian Period witnessed little to no organisms with shells and bones and so soft organisms could not form fossils. Very few fossils of organisms that lived in the period above are found by scientists the reason being that most organisms of the said period were in microbial form. Another reason that has proved difficult for scientists to find fossils is the recycling process that convert parts of organisms into other forms. Decomposition of the earth which occurs unceasingly deforms the plates making it difficult to comprehend the era in which the organism in question was in existence. The Dilemma exhibited by Darwin was an obstacle in finding the fossils prior to the Cambrian Period. It was not easy to find fossils given that fossils were not available throughout the pre-Cambrian Period. Lack of important remains simply suggests that organisms were not present in periods before that Cambrian Period. The year 1965 saw two experts who stated categorically that they had discovered fossils that were more than two billion years (Caro, Morino, Mojzsis, Cates and Bleeker, 2017). The fossils were discovered at the Gunflint Chart that is adjacent to Lake Superior. The 2 fossils existed in form of microfossils and stromatolites of the original organisms. Later, other scientists also discovered remains of organisms that had been in existence for more than 3.5 billion years. The fossils that were 3.5 billion years proved that the life was on earth even in the Pre-Cambrian Period. Stromatolites are the kind of structures developed in form of layers by micro-organisms colonies. Stromatolites are formed over the layers of the rocks when various organisms are cemented together. They are not found in other places but in shallow water bodies. One of the earths places where stromatolites are present in plenty is the Shark Bay in Western Australia. Some of these structures have gone missing while others only present themselves in hyper saline waters. Scientists with the mission of studying Stromatolites have founded out that they are frequently located in the Archean and Proterozoic periods hence looking for these structures in the prior to the Archean and Proterozoic will prove difficult. Some scientists believe stromatolites are not biological creatures and they can be categorized as part of life (Caro, Morino, Mojzsis, Cates and Bleeker, 2017). They are also certain that stromatolites are seen only in association with microfossils making them to be part and parcel of the biological creation. History has it that the presence for life on earth is somewhat controversial. Conflicting opinions from scientists in regard to the presence of life before billions or say millions of years is another factual problem to the situation. Many fossils are stated to be dating back to as early as 3.5 billion years but still scientists have different opinions over this fact. A statement from one of the scientists by the name Bill Schopf proves that 3.5 billion years ago microbial life had just kicked off arguing that such fossils would have been extensive at that period of time (Huang, Chen, Wignall and Zhao, 2017). Another scientists by the name Martin Brasier argues that that is no evidence as the ones discovered are not fossils as they are formed by reactions between volcanic glass and vein chart. The rock of Pilbara has stromatolites that are as old as 3.43 billion years and according to studies, they are the oldest form of all stromatolites found on earth. These stromatolites are found deep in the water are assumed to be stromatolites of reef. Wilhelm et al. (2017) observes that studies based on geological periods are other ways under which we can understand the presence of life for the earth. The layers found of the rocks communicate more about the era making researchers to appreciate that different organisms existed in various eras. Studying of rocks also make scientists to comprehend the era by which particular organisms were surviving. Geological studies are not new in the life of man and therefore, scientists can still obtain fossils that date back to even 550 million years back. Geological studies also suggest that life on earth has existed for not less than 4 billion years. Another type of life is the molecular record of life which seeks to understand life existence on other. Usually, the molecular record of life studies the molecules present in the organisms DNA, where the organism DNA is related in order to make a comparison of the two DNAs to help in the understanding of life by the scientist (Sutherland, 2017). Following the comparison of the human and chimpanzee DNAs to a scale of 100%, it was founded that 98 % their DNA matched making scientists to believe that the two organisms are interrelated. Insufficient genes are communal for a greater part of life on earth and so it is widely concluded that many of the organisms are developed by way of translation, transcription, and replication of the contemporary DNA. Life on earth can be described by the help of the tree of life which positions life into three different fields: Archaea, Eukarya, and Bacteria where the whole DNA concept is founded on this tree. The avid research conducted by various scientists suggested the tree of life consists of not just three but five domains, however, fungi, plants, and animals was placed in the Eukarya kingdom (Biswas, Shome, Raha and Bhattacharya, 2017). The earth branches consisting of Archaea and Bacteria are small and simple cells. When this form of life was narrowed down to specificity, Eukarya was broadly considered. The Eukarya cells are large and complex Nursing they contain nucleus plus other important structures. Endosymbiosis is the process by which eukaryotic cells are generated. Another process called Endomsymbiosis refers to the symbiotic relationship by which an organism exists in the body of another organism. Organelles found in eukaryotes are in line with symbiotic relationship with the eukaryote antecedent. Another form of life evident on earth to have been there for billions of years is the chloroplast which enables the process of photosynthesis to take place (Gale and Wandel, 2017). Chloroplasts are the new form of ancient cyanobacteria which evolved as a result of photosynthesis process which occurred billions of years back. It is also believed that chloroplasts originates based on the symbiotic relationship with the ancestor cells. The symbiotic relationship of chloroplasts and their ancestor cells is seen when the DNA is observed. Conclusion There are a lot of evidences that are presented in fossil forms and few organisms bodies to prove the existence of life on earth. Some of the evidences were not conserved due to bad weather. More still, the planet atmosphere has been changing from time to time and this has had various impacts on the way of life. Not many organisms are preserved in sediments given that their bodies degenerate before fossils are formed in sedimentary rocks. The year 1965 saw two experts who stated categorically that they had discovered fossils that were more than two billion years. The fossils were discovered at the Gunflint Chart that is adjacent to Lake Superior. The 2 fossils existed in form of microfossils and stromatolites of the original organisms. Conflicting opinions from scientists in regard to the presence of life before billions or say millions of years is another factual problem to the situation. However, all studies done by different scientists generally approve that life on earth has been in existence for long period of time in as long as organisms have lived on earth. Enough evidence is availed to make us believe that earth has witnessed various forms of life and so life on earth is not a new phenomenon. References Biswas, S., Shome, A., Raha, B. and Bhattacharya, A.B., 2017. A relook on using the Earth Similarity Index for searching habitable zones around solar and extrasolar planets.Indian Journal of Accounting ,91(1), pp.1-8. Caro, G., Morino, P., Mojzsis, S.J., Cates, N.L. and Bleeker, W., 2017. Sluggish Hadean geodynamics: Evidence from coupled 146,147 Sm142,143 Nd systematics in Eoarchean supracrustal rocks of the Inukjuak domain (Qubec).Earth and Planetary Science Letters,457, pp.23-37. Dodd, M.S., Papineau, D., Grenne, T., Slack, J.F., Rittner, M., Pirajno, F., ONeil, J. and Little, C.T., 2017. Evidence for early life in Earths oldest hydrothermal vent precipitates.Nature,543(7643), pp.60-64. Gale, J. and Wandel, A., 2017. The potential of planets orbiting red dwarf stars to support oxygenic photosynthesis and complex life.International Journal of Astrobiology, pp.1-9. Huang, Y., Chen, Z.Q., Wignall, P.B. and Zhao, L., 2017. Latest Permian to Middle Triassic redox condition variations in ramp settings, South China: Pyrite framboid evidence.Geological Society of America Bulletin,129(1-2), pp.229-243. Sutherland, J.D., 2017. Opinion: Studies on the origin of lifethe end of the beginning.Nature Reviews Chemistry,1, p.0012. Wilhelm, M.B., Davila, A.F., Eigenbrode, J.L., Parenteau, M.N., Jahnke, L.L., Liu, X.L., Summons, R.E., Wray, J.J., Stamos, B.N., OReilly, S.S. and Williams, A., 2017. Xeropreservation of functionalized lipid biomarkers in hyperarid soils in the Atacama Desert.Organic Geochemistry,103, pp.97-104. Xu, Y., Chen, Z.Q., Feng, X., Wu, S., Shi, G.R. and Tu, C., 2017. Proliferation of MISS-related microbial mats following the end-Permian mass extinction in the northern Paleo-Tethys: evidence from southern Qilianshan region, western China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,474, pp.198-213.
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